chapter 35

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I take it back, having your period isn't that fun at all! 

I wanna go back to being a little girl and not have any periods...ugh

school is just a few days away now, and today I am going to learn to cook with Papa? 

this will be a adventure, because last I checked my brother doesn't cook whatsoever. 

and as for Alaric? I don't think I ever seen him lift up a spatula, no less to help stirring some sort of food, but I do say I like to do homemade stuff - primarily things that are in boxes I only say it's homemade because if I had to stir it then it's homemade haha.. 

either way, we're going to start this day on a positive note even if I feel so sluggish, I've already changed my pads and everything, I might switch over to tampons, especially at night, I hate that feeling of blood being everywhere potentially if I leak - 

Alaric hasn't been home these days, it seems his photoshoots have been in Dubai and he needs to stay there for a on going series photoshoot, but I like to think he's just giving me and Silas more bonding time. 

"Silo ready!" I entered his bedroom completely unannounced, one of these days I need to learn the 'Art of Knocking' but for now we'll just ignore this behavior, anyways, my brother turned out to be changing and he still was in his blue striped pajama pants, "come let's make breakfast" I start to say without giving my brother any chance to talk. 

So, I left his room and headed down the stairs then made a right turn into the kitchen then I noticed that the head chef was there, she wasn't wearing her usual work attire, instead she actually looks really pretty and has brunette hair down to shoulder level, and she had the slim body type and her eyes were hazel, it was so pretty. 

"Aubree! can we make breakfast? I want to surprise my brother" I ask her and she contemplates before she agrees wholeheartedly to the idea, my brother normally takes a good few minutes to fully get dressed. 

"hm, I'm thinking just eggs with avocado and some toast" I tell her, and so she helps me gather the ingredients then I put the bread into the toaster, that part I knew to do, anybody who doesn't know how to cook can follow basic instructions... anyways ! 

the next part is to crack the egg onto the pan and I wanted to perfect the egg cracking so I let the egg follow onto the smooth flat surface and it cracked perfectly, now that the egg is sizzling away, it was time to grab the avocado! 

"now, Little lady this is how you properly get the avocado out" she demonstrates and I nodded then I proceeded to go through with the motion, and bam it came out like such a egg! 

so next thing on the agenda are the toast! 

I carefully buttered the toast, and then I noticed the time and papa would be arriving soon .

I grabbed two plates, then I thought back to the chef, "oh Aubree eat with us" I tell her, and she was surprised, "oh? little lady with all due respect, I don't think that would be professional" she begins, I tried mimicking my brother's facial expression when somebody says something he doesn't like. 

"Very well, okay, little lady" she nodded, so now with three plates I carefully decorated the food onto the plate. 

the egg carefully placed on one part of the plate then the avocado on the side dish, then I placed the two buttered toast onto the plate, mine had been replaced with Nutella since I don't care much about butter on my toast. 

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