chapter 8

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Alaric treated, Lydia, Amara, and Susie with kindness and i was happy to see that, we all were actually getting along and despite what had happened yesterday they all seem to forget about it, so. we actually were civilized, Alaric hung out with us and i began to just like him a bit more but i still didn't trust them, and Silas as usual is the workaholic, and so amara who was actually interested in Silas, always tried to suggest things like 'we should prank him' or 'let's spy on him' and Susie was the only normal person that actually had no interest in my brothers, she treated them with respect and it made me happy, even if she was the quietest.

"alaric just give up. you lost to a bunch of 14 year olds" I say nonchalantly, and alaric still refuses to give up and we continued to play super mario kart, and then i came out first place as always, and then when played super smash bros, i kept slapping him off the map and he would just about rage quit, it was the funnest thing to see.

"don't push your luck, kiddo" Alaric says in a very scary and very much serious manner, and i just laugh with my friends, i actually enjoy just teasing alaric, is he really just 22? he feels like a child.

"oh shiver me timbers" i say and he quickly snatched my console and he made me jump off the map and i threw a pillow at him,

what are you doing.. you're suppose to be mad at them the voice in my head was getting loud, and i felt bad, i'm having fun and i'm suppose to remain upset with them.

I looked to the clock and it was already 11 at night and i was not tired at all, "We should pull an all nighter" i try to convince the rest, and they all nodded, and then the big party pooper shows up, i thought he'd say something against it,

"I will give $500 to whoever actually stays up all night" I turn and see Silas, and i thought i was dreaming because normally he'd be against anything fun.

"now it's actually on" i hear amara saying, and then alaric chimes in "so.. do i get -" he was quickly turned down,

"hey you said whoever, i count." Alaric says, "Sorry. Let me specify, whichever girls remain up till the next day receives a $500" Silas says and i get so excited.

I saw the looks on my friends faces, $500 is a lot for us teens, and so we all were determined, ican't believe that i'm actually thinking Silas is fun, and cool.

"Hey want to play with us?" Amara asks as she holds up another console, and i was surprised, i knew he'd say no.

"Sure" is what he said, hold on .. pause? backtrack 3 seconds


i didn't think he'd join us, but he did, and he ended up kicking all of our asses, "when- when did you become so good" I ask now impressed, i never thought that he'd play video games, like he works too much, and he is the definition of party pooper.

"don't forget i was once a teenager myself" Silas say boastfully as he slaps me off the map, and i actually caught myself beaming with joy, but i looked and saw it anyone noticed but thankfully nobody did.

"seems ancient" I say causally, and it was midnight now and i am still not tired, "cup pong guys" Lydia says and so we ended up going to the gymnasium and setting up a cup pong table, we replaced the actual content with shots of sprite, we just pretend it's vodka or rum .

So we made it back to my bedroom around 4am and we all were full of energy, but alaric had gone to bed like an hour ago, then Silas left after cup pong which was at 2am, the moment we made it my bedroom, lydia collapses onto my bed, followed by Susie, and then amara was still awake but she eventually fell asleep on the sofas, and i turned to evelyn but she was out like a light.

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