chapter 28

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I felt myself want to shrivel up and die on the spot.

"..oh! I am sorry" is the first thing that comes out of his mouth as he gets up from his bed, and making his way towards me. 

"no- no it's okay" I tell him, he really was reminding me of a puppy caught red handed, 

"I took this without your permission. I felt like I had to study this photograph" he proceeds to explain himself, regardless of the fact I just told him that it was fine. 

"..papa?" I utter the name I've always given him, in my last resort of desperation to get him to remember me, "..I am sorry but I don't have any kids -" He begins to say, and my face fell as I felt stupid.. it's only been a few weeks, these stuff doesn't happen overnight. 

"Tell you what though, let's have tea?" he brings the photograph into my hand as he looks at me with full sincerity. 

"okay" I respond happy that he at least doesn't chase me away as he's done in the past.. 

while we were walking towards the tea room, it felt so nostalgic to be hanging out with him...

"Here" he pulls out a chair for me before seating himself on the chair opposite of me. 

although..this really isn't Silas, my heart felt heavy. 

"You know this tea is brewed-" my thoughts drown out his voice talking about teas because I remember he is very passionate about tea, and loves to talk about them, but I couldn't keep focused on his voice at all as my thoughts was occupying on the fact that...this scene presented before me felt so serene, just two reunited brother and sister having tea.. but it was all temporary as what happened before me gets me out of my seat so fast, 

"Silas!" I uttered as I stood up in shock as he collapses onto the ground and with the teacup in his hand shattered, I no longer cared about getting cut myself as I recomposed myself to help him, I rung for the butler, and he was able to send aid. 

I anxiously was waiting outside of the patients' room, Alaric was already in there talking to the doctors, but I - I wanted to be with him. 

I began to pace back and forth, and just then Alaric comes out, "well? is he going to be okay? what happened?" so many questions I had was being bombarded at Alaric. 

"hey, take some breaths" he tries to calm my nerves and he finally gestures for me to sit, "his brain was overstimulated and causing him to collapse out of the sudden lightheadedness" he proceeds to explain, I couldn't help but feel this was my fault if only.. if only I declined having tea with him. 

as if ric was reading my mind, "baby none of this is your fault ok?" he gives me a kiss on the forehead, "..but but I did this - I had tea with him.. I also pushed him again calling him papa" I murmured as my voice trails off because it felt like I wanted to cry but I needed to be strong.. to be strong for him. 

"my little izzy, this - as bad as this is, it's a step towards the light" he tells me and I look up at him in confusion, "the doctors said that - memories are beginning to resurface and - while that's good, it will cause severe discomfort to the patient, which resulted in his fainting" Alaric explains to me thoroughly making sure I was grasping his words. 

...."so- he's remembering ?" I felt hopeful, "correct but we still need to be careful and not have this occur too much - only baby steps otherwise he'll forever be like this" he cautions me, and I nodded. 

" can I go see him?" I wanted to see him and see that he was doing alright, but my brother only shakes his head, "it's best if you avoid him for now" 

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