chapter 17

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going to church? really? I wanted nothing to do with that, but when we did go, it was the best thing. a lot people were so nice to me, and they were all over me, and for once it wasn't my brothers, their attention weren't on them.

all those feelings I felt the other night it vanishes. I was happy and thrilled.

I met so many people and talked to a lot of different people, and I felt like some celebrity.

apparently I heard our father, someone I never met used to go here and was a big impact on them.

I do recall a elderly woman asking Silas if I was his daughter, and I thought he'd be quick to correct them, but he didn't he just called me over like a dog.

I mean, it makes sense though, he raised me.

a lot of stuff was happening, people even invited me to their wedding! people I just met and I was popular among the church ladies.

"alright. come on we have to get to lunch" Alaric pries me away from the group, and I actually want to stay, but I never felt that way before.

"okay. Fine" I responded, "you know what's wrong with Silas?" I asked as we make our way towards the car, papa was ahead of us, "I don't know. He likes to keep to himself" Alaric answers as we enter the car.

since this morning, in his bedroom he was off.

he kept zoning out, and I did notice he and the pastor were talking, and that makes me even more curious.

We arrive at a nearby diner, and we give our order to the waitress.

"Alright it should be out in 30 minutes" she announces and we nodded.

Again. Papa has the same look to his face, like he's here but not actually here.

"I bet i can manspread and he wouldn't notice" i whisper into Alaric's ears and he just laughs.

"Papa." I say firmly, and that alone did it.


"Me and Alaric are worried for you. You been like this since the morning"

"Ah. Just stuff at work." He says, and I know he's lying.

It's double standard.

I'm not allowed to lie but he can lie.

"okay. what are we doing for the rest of the day?"

"Nothing planned. You got all of your school work done?"

"Yep." And so I knew I can take a nice nap when I get out of these uncomfortable clothes, and take off my bra.

puberty really stinks. I know I wanted to be like the other girls in my school, like it was why girls bullied me, i didn't look like them. I didn't have any breasts, and no armpit hair.
Back then, they convinced me I was a boy just pretending to be a girl.

Lunch was just the usual, hamburger and fries.

diner style too, we got back to the mansion and I was able to get out of the dress, and then I decided on taking a bubble bath.

however! before I go and take my bath, I made sure the coast was clear as I snuck into papa's room.

I tiptoe as I rummage through his clothes, and wallah! I see the sweatpants, on the side I took a handful of boxers, and then as I was about to exit his room, he appears.

Oh shit.

I was quick to stuff them up my shirt.

"Isa?" he says with a perplexed look, "uh- uh" i have to do something, "I left my blanket" i say, and he has to believe me .. because I do bring some of my stuff to his room.

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