chapter 41

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the morning arrives fast and I got up from my long needed slumber, then the events from before all comes crashing to me. 

My brother deserves the best, and I wish for all the happiness that he seeks. in the back of my mind I always wondered - what if my mother married a nice guy and we were a happy family - but then another part of me hated not having my brothers around.. I mean the universe has reasons for everything right? 

it's crazy to think that life is like a butterfly effect, one flap of the wing it can send a tsunami in another part of the world... similar to if my mother married a good guy who wasn't abusive then would I even yearn for my brothers? what would my life look like then? 

I couldn't envision a life without my brothers so I quickly scolded myself for thinking in such a way. 

or maybe dad never left us which in turn would result in our original family being happy - a happy perfect family . 

I do find myself looking too long into others peoples' families especially when we're at the park and I see a little girl with their dad, it makes my heart hurt, every child deserves a parent right? 

...then I think to my brothers and I'm grateful to have them, with our age gap it's hard to consider them siblings since they're legally my guardians and I suppose Alaric is the type of sibling I can mess around with whereas, our brother Silas is the serious and doesn't like to have much fun - which we established early on. 

I crept out of my bedroom on my way to seek out my papa so as I near towards the study I see him staring down at some photograph, I remained silent as I was debating whether or not to announce my entrance but he looks - rather sad. 

I hate seeing my brothers sad especially when I could be the reason for it - maybe I got in the way of his potential love life..even so how could our head chef from since I arrived at this estate - be a complete witch? 

I try to believe in the best in people but even that seems to fail as more people prove me that they're all assholes. 

after contemplating on my decisions I finally knock at the door and he looks up and his gaze shifts onto me as his eyes were full of affection and adoration. 

"Good morning, princess. How did you sleep?" He gestures a seat across from him. "Slept like a baby" I responded then I noticed the eye bags due to the lack of adequate sleep, "what about you papa?" I didn't exactly sit across from him I ended up just standing to the side of his chair as I play with his hands, "Mhm I slept alright" he tries to convince me with his reassuring smile but I hate that he's there for me but he won't let me be there for him... 

I wish I could build that with him, because it goes both ways right? we have to both water each other. 

"Papa be honest you look like you been up all night" I deadpan, "you're right, I couldn't sleep much." he confesses and I felt satisfied with the answer. 

"Hey isa how are you feeling ?" he questions all of a sudden, he must be referring to the events that took place ... 

"I'm trying not to think too much on it, and to be honest it's her loss really" I lean my head down as I give my brother a quick peck on the cheek. 

"also let's go out for breakfast" I added as I make my way towards the exit of his study. 

"alright, sounds like a plan" he gets up from the chair as he follows suit. 


We looked pretty, just two siblings going out to eat, to the outsiders he probably looks like my dad. 

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