chapter 36

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my nightmares of Dawson being able to get me, vanished - when Silas told me that he got rid of him, and I wasn't sure why he wouldn't tell me earlier, and instead had me acting like I was delulu, but I guess he has his reasons.

But good news, my period is over, and today is the first day of school, so let's get ready with me.

It's my first year of secondary school: Year 10

Well since the school requires uniforms, that already reduces my time trying to compile an outfit, so all we need to do is my hair, then pick some subtle jewelry, and maybe some cool shoes.

I was thinking of some simple Nike Air forces, just a black and white theme.

"Izzy! are you about ready?!" I hear Alaric's voice, and I finished the finishing piece of a red ribbon bow for my hair, then I raced down the stairs.

"Okay yes I'm ready" I grabbed a bagel on the way out and sat in Alaric's car.

You must be wondering or even if you aren't wondering, I'm going to tell you.

Silas isn't here because he had an emergency at his workplace, so Alaric and I get to spend sometime together, it feels like it's been forever since I've hung out with Alaric.

eventually I've arrived at the school, and I got out the car after Alaric gives me kisses on my head goodbye then he drove off as I proceeded to meet up with my friends.

I walked into the school radiating confidence as I chatted away with my friends, then I saw Vincent's little sister, Quinn.

"Quinn! hey" I acknowledged her and my friends, Amara, Lydia, and Susie all give their hellos.

"uh- hi guys, I'm new, and it's so nice to see a familiar face" Quinn says as her eyes were solely focused on mine, not really paying much attention to my friends, I found that odd, but it makes sense after all she is shy around new people.

"Okay, let's all compare time tables" I say bringing out my time table and then I hear people gasping and a lot of commotion was happening so we turned out attention to where it was coming from, and long behold it was Evelyn

She was walking into the school with her head held high, with two other girls unfamiliar to us beside her.

It was giving Regina George and her posies.

My friends and I were going to greet her when suddenly she brushes pass us as if we were some road kill on the side of the road.

I could hear whispers among the other students and I was whispering to my friends, "What's gotten into her?" I hated that feeling of people changing, especially for the worse.

Who does she think she is? Like - just when did it all start? Evelyn was my first real friend here, then we became bigger friend group, then suddenly - she's just gone drastic.

"I don't know, but I knew I never liked her from the start" Amara says with an obvious dislike towards Evelyn, I know her reason, she was Evelyn's best friend since primary school.

"She's actually so fake, and to think she had the audacity to be friends with you only for your friends?!" Lydia interjects as she's disgusted on my behalf, I wasn't sure... why it hurts?

I always convinced myself that I didn't care but deep down I did, the feeling of only being used because you're close with someone they want - I was so clouded with naive that I should have seen who my real friends were, because I knew Amara, Lydia, and Susie wouldn't ever hurt me intentionally. They've always been there for me when I was in the dumps, and even after I completely aired them through the summer, they never held any sort of grudge...

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