chapter 29

393 24 5

|| One Week from August 15th ||


Everything was becoming clear each passing moment, and the agonizing headache subsides as I get used to the company of that girl, Isabella.

I've been getting memories floating spiraling around in my mind as I see broken fragments of memories resurfacing, ranging from an infant's cry to her first words, and it'll all stop at that.

I felt like this is the right path, the pain didn't hurt as much and all I wanted to do was spend time with Isabella, not sure why.. but my heart had been yearning for it, and even my brain doesn't dare to disobey the heart.

it had overridden my reason and logic, the girl is who I wanted to see when I awoke from that long sleep, but I only saw the man, Alaric.

I am slowly grasping that he's my brother, and it all makes sense now, because what man would waste time on me?

I didn't waste much time as I catch myself taking strolls in the garden and I created a crown made up of different flowers, I wanted to give them to her.

"Silas" I hear her voice say as she appears beside me, and I'm quick to hide my creation,

"ah, yes? hi" I turned towards her and she was wearing a vaguely familiar dress but I don't remember where I've seen it.

"What were you doing?" she asks and I exposed my creation to her, "I made it for you" I tell her and her eyes were glistening and I almost thought I saw teardrops down her cheeks,

"...I'm so sorry I know I don't excel at crafts - but please don't cry anymore, I'll throw this hideous crown away okay?" I quickly say but she shakes her head, "I love it" she says even though the tears were evident, why.. just why did my heart hurt so much?

I clutch onto my chest, "then please explain the tears, did I upset you?" I ask with my sullen eyes as she suddenly embraces herself into my arms, and not really thinking much I naturally held onto her as if this was familiar and hands were rubbing soothing circles to her back and I don't know why I did that?

"...papa, papa" I hear the child uttering the same words, that word alone.. it brings me so much agony, I do not the answer, but - I didn't deny it, I always tell her I don't have kids.

"There, there, it's okay, no need to cry" I soothed her and I find myself giving her a kiss to her temple, "Isabella" I hear a familiar man say as he's a few feet away from us,

"Oh- my god. I am so sorry" She profusely apologizes as she tries to wipe away the tear stains on my shirt, but she's pulled away from my embrace by Alaric.

My heart felt heavy after the interaction, I was confused.


I don't know what became of me as I was crying into Silas's embrace.. and it felt so real and so.. natural, I didn't want it to end, but I suddenly remembered the warning from Alaric.

I was pulled from his embrace and I felt like a child not wanting to let go of their parent on their first day of kindergarten.. "izzy don't forget" I hear Alaric murmuring into my ear, I was being way too selfish, I even put on the dress he chose for me on that St Allens' COED dance, I am being too forceful as per usual.. but this time, just this time he didn't back away or chase me out, and.. I have a good feeling that he's slowly regaining his memories.

I turn 15 in a week from now and if by the grace of gods he recalls all his memories or even a little bit, I'd be very only birthday wish is to have my brother return back.

it was a fairytale that came to life..I wish I can savor that moment more.

After spending time with Vincent, and I met his little sister and I became fast friends with her.

the best news I've heard is she's going to be attending St Allens' Girls School, so thankfully high school is looking up..

I returned to my study and that's when Alaric stands before me,

"Isabella, what you did today was very dangerous. you could have sent him in for another shock and-" before alaric could continue on his lecture, "I know! I know, I'm sorry, but look? he didn't go into a shock.. and maybe love will conquer all" I cut him off, clenching my fist.

"'re right, I'm sorry. I am just scared to lose him" he sighs as he sits in a chair next to me,

"it's okay, I just got caught up into the moment I forgot about the warning.. what I did was stupid" I pull at Alaric's sleeve as an indication of a hug is needed, so he brings me to his embrace.

"it's not stupid..but you know what? maybe you're onto's getting way better"


what Isabella did was very reckless, she could have jeopardized the entire recovery process, I was livid that's for sure.. but then before I even interrupted them, I was observing from the side

now this seems like he's back for sure, the way he's behaving and with how he held onto her gently as if she's a delicate rose, I was in awe as I noticed the crown of flowers in her hands.

It was a sunny day and we decided to go on a little picnic, then 3 year old izzy comes up to us with a handful of flowers and she gives us a makeover, "Dis fow papa" she says as she covers Silas up in flowers, I laughed at the sight, "hey? what about me" I give her puppy dog eyes, and she looks around and makes a flower crown for me, "thank you my little izzy" I give her a pat to her head.

I loved that day, it was a very nice and god... so much has happened since those innocent days. did his subconscious make him create a crown out of flowers? or is this a sign that he's regaining his memories.. either way I felt bad for pulling her away.

After the whole incident that took place in the garden, the following day, Silas approaches me.

"What is this feeling? I feel disappointed that you pulled her away from me" for a second I thought the Silas we knew returned, and I gave him a skeptical look, "For your own good, trust me on this" I tell him.

"I want my babygirl" my eyes widened as I stare at him, is he back? wait.. what?

"I remember. All I know is she's mine" he utters with his newfound dominance, "Silas?!" I was in shock, after all this time, is he back? oh god..

I couldn't express how happy I was but.. I knew not to get my hopes up.

"wait Silas how old was Isabella when she splashed water on you?" I was quizzing him, and he responded rather quickly, "five years old"

I took a step back, my prayers were answered. oh my god.

"Okay, wait here."

and now I have to inform Isabella.

"Izzy! he's back" I utter and she drops whatever she was doing and looks at me with pure joy and excitement, and she wizzes by me as she runs out to the garden gazebo.

"Papa!" her voice was radiating with joy and I managed to catch up to her as I see her flinging herself onto Silas.

I began to feel tears running down my cheek at the joyous moments, the reuniting of my siblings.

"My babygirl, I missed you so much." are the words I heard coming from Silas, and I was overjoyed.

published: 5.16.23

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a/n: awwwhh the family is back !! who is cutting the onions over here..

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