chapter 14

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"Izzy!" i hear alarics' annoying voice holler for me as i'm luxuriously taking a shower, "what!" i yelled back, as i rinse out my hair, "You know we have to be checked out by 11am!" he retorts, agitated it seems.

"okay! and?" i say, as a grin plasters my face, "It is now 10:30! hurry up"

"let me take my time! only 10 minutes left" i shut the shower off, and now it's time to lather my body.

"I swear in gods name, what possibly do you need. an hour." he grits through his teeth as he walks away from the door, "he just doesn't get it" i say aloud, and so i made it out, and i saw our suitcases all lined up, "ready to go isa?" Silas asks, with my hair still wet i nodded, "I'll just shower until we get there" i hear alaric muttering under his breath, as we exit the hotel room.

"I would hope you two settle your bickering." party pooper says as i'm play fighting alaric as we travel down the elevator.

while Silas is at the front desk with the hotel receptionist checking us out the room, me and alaric end up looking at the aquarium present in the middle of the lobby.

"see? we aren't causing any trouble" i say, giving a proud look as i admire the goldfish, "hey see this fish." alaric points out a sucker fish on the glass, "that's you"

"no. it's you" i thought we wouldn't be fighting now!!

"you munch on everything you see" he proceeds to say and continues to look at other fishes, then i side kick him into his legs, "Izzy! what was that for" he exaggerates as if i hit with a boulder.

"no reason" i shrug, minding my own business, and then he pokes at my side repeatedly.

"okay. i kicked you once, stop poking me" i turned towards him, and out of the peripheral view i see... Silas, making his way towards us.

"alaric! he's coming" i ushered, and with that we became the perfect siblings just having fun.

"Alright. We're checked out. Let's go" our eldest brother formally says as he adjusts his cuffs, and then we maneuver our way towards the uber.

During the car ride to the next hotel, me and alaric made sure we were on our best behavior, in fear of what Silas may do.

"Also. Thank you for not getting into baseless fights" he mentions, both me and alaric give each other the 'side eye'

alaric nudges me with his foot indicating me to speak, "uh yea! we set our differences aside" i lied, and alaric gave the look that says 'are you for real?'

and so we made it the next hotel, and the moment we set foot into the hotel and we saw the lobby had grand staircases, me and alaric exchanges mischievous looks, "race you" i say and with that i dropped my stuff with Silas, and we were off to the races.

i hope Silas doesn't mind, "i beat you!" i say chirpy, "pff. I let you win, you really think you can beat me?"

"yeah" knowing how much of a athlete he is

so we checked into the room, and the beds were so massive, giving off modern royalty, it felt so unreal, there was even a door to the balcony!

there were silver and gold fixtures to the hotel room, and the door was a sliding door so i looked down at the city and it was a bit breezy, we were on the third floor, so the city doesn't seem too far down.

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