chapter 25

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"What?! You've got to be joking." my sister says in exasperation, "I think it'll be for the best, I mean, think of it like an extended -" before I could finish my sentence Isabella is quick to interject, "I don't want to move to Seoul. I have friends here and I don't even know Korean and I bet you don't either" she proceeds to say, at times like these I appreciated that it was Silas who would do all the parenting stuff, but parenting isn't my style. 

"Isabella, this will be a fresh start. we both need it" I knew we had a property in Seoul and it'd be a cool new experience for both of us. 

I saw my sister pursed her lips, "fine. but this home we'll come back to right?" she looks me in dead in the eyes and I nodded quickly, "yes. all of it, I just want to get out of this place.." I explained and she nods. 

...and so here we are, in Seoul, South Korea.

"wow.. the views are amazing" my sister mentions as we walk through the airport, everything was peaceful, just us and the world. 

"...I wish Silas could see this" Isabella says softly, "I know, but hey he's still very much with us.. in our hearts" I finished and I could tell her waterworks would happen but to a delightful surprise she doesn't cry. 

"Let's grab something to eat, alright?" I continue as we enter the restaurants located within the airport. 

although I tried my best to be the stronger one, I failed miserably, as I entered the men's stall, I already felt the tears falling, I never thought I'd had to navigate through life without my brother..we had each other and we navigated through it all..but it's still hard. 

I recollected myself after a few minutes and went back to the restaurant and I was so happy to my sister sitting there, but before I made my entrance back I could see she was deep in thoughts. 

It's hard for both of us, it's been only a week and now we're in a foreign nation.. 

The country itself was very beautiful and walking down the paths of the city at night gave such a serene effect to it, "The night sky is so bright, maybe it's Silas?" I murmured as I pointed towards the sky as izzy is in awestruck, "I suppose that the sky does look prettier," she agrees. 

all of this was not real, I refuse to believe that our brother is gone, it must be that syringe, what if this is all a simulation and in reality we're just in a very heavily induced coma.. what a silly thought of mine, however the doctor? is what I remembered the people referred him to..

the universe has it out for us that's for sure, and I read the letter that made izzy collapse into hysterics and the father who walked out on us... it all made sense, no wonder he went cold turkey on us because it was hurting him as much as it hurt this was the closure I've yearned for. 

God, I hate myself if it hadn't been for my childish and wanting to be the cool and annoying brother, we wouldn't have lost our Silas, it was all of that snooping that did this to us. 

I've realized I was lost in my thoughts for awhile before I noticed that izzy was standing on top the ledge on the bridge, "Izzy? what are you doing" I exasperated as she turns to me, "Oh! I was just curious what the river looked like from below under the illuminating moon" she responds, and my heart calmed down, although it's been a week, I've noticed the maturity emerging in izzy...she's going to be 15 and Silas won't be able to witness her birthday. 

"You startled me, please let's head back?" I offer my hand to her as she gracefully takes it while hopping off the ledge and we leisurely make our way back towards our ride. 

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