Ch. 4: Slick And Sick

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Moon's Pov:
I slowly started to wake up. Last night was fun but something feels wrong. My stomach began to feel a sharp pain and I curled up a little. I accidentally whined and started to wake Sunny up. I started to pet his head to get him to go back to sleep but it only woke him up more.

Sun: "Mm..Good morning, dear"

Sun looked at my face. The pain in my stomach was still there and I tried to hide the fact it hurt but I could tell Sun knew.

Sun's Pov:
Moon looked sick. He shut his eyes closed and curled up more than he was before. It seemed like his stomach hurt. I slowly pulled him closer.

Sun: "Moony..What's hurting?"

I kept my voice quiet, as to not overwhelm him. He whined and kept his eyes closed. I saw tears forming in his eyes.

Moon: "Ow ow ow! Ugh... I-I'll be fine Sunny.."

Moon was lying. He was clearly sick and on a pretty bad day too. Today we were supposed to go meet up with Monty to talk about some random stuff. We had to go since we promised we'd see him but if Moon isn't feeling well, then we can push that to the side for another day.

Moon: "C-C'mon Sunny..We better start getting ready to see Monty.."

Moon started to sit up, clearly still in pain. But, I dragged him back down onto the bed.

Sun: Nuh uh uh! Your not going anywhere today, sir! You cannot go out feeling like this"

Moon gave me a begging look. He normally used that on me when I would take the lead. It wasn't gonna work on me this time! Nope, not one bit! No matter how cute his face his! I mustn't let him go! I can't let him! Even though he does have pretty blue and red eyes..No no! Tough love time! He has to get better!

Moon's Pov:
I kept staring at Sun with that one begging look that always gets him out of his 'tough love time.' I could see him slowly breaking. It was only when I pulled at his shirt and brought my face closer to his that he broke.

Sun: "Fine fine! We'll go, but you cannot leave me whatsoever! If you start feeling really bad, we're coming back here!"

Sun finally agreed to letting us go see Monty! One win for me!

(Sorry this one was short, I got lazy. I promise there's gonna be something interesting in the next chapter!"

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