Ch. 44: Surprises

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~{ Sun's POV }~

     10:28 AM. Eclipse wakes up slowly. I had woken up about 10 minutes earlier. I had looked around for Moon for a little bit, then assumed he's just taking a quiet bath. So now, I draw in my sketchbook. I look to my side to see Eclipse nuzzling hesitantly closer. I smile and gently pull them into my lap. They softly whine and purr quietly. I rub their back slowly.

     After a few more minutes, their eyes slowly open. I swear, every morning they look like a newborn baby opening their eyes for the first time. It's always adorable. I smile more and rub their sensitive back-rays. They whine and nuzzle closer. "S-Sunny...~" They mutter quietly. I chuckle and rub their back. They look on both side of me, in confusion. "Where's Moony?" They ask. "I think he's in the bath right now. Wanna go surprise him?" I reply. They smile and nod.

     Eclipse and I get dressed into something else, considering Eclipse only sleeps in their boxers- After that, we walk to the bathroom. I hold my fingers up in a countdown. 3...2...1! We jump into the bathroom, screaming, "Boo!" one was there?! I start looking through the house, but Moon wasn't anywhere! Then, I look in the living room and it's a complete mess! The TV is on a static screen, Moon's blanket is there, and a few things had fallen over.

     "U-Uhm...S-Sunny?.." Eclipse calls out. I turn to them. They're standing at the cracked open front door. "Huh?! Did he leave?!" I yell. I run to Eclipse. "I-I don't know!" They shout. I try thinking of why Moon would leave all of a sudden without telling us. But then, we hear a loud but faint scream from far in the woods! "Wh-What was that?!" Eclipse yelps. "O-Oh no..Uhm..Eclipse, c'mon!" I yell as I run outside. Eclipse follows behind. We both run into the woods, searching for what caused the scream. I make sure Eclipse is close by so they don't get lost. After a few minutes, we hear soft 'whirrs' and 'clicks'.

     We walk to the sounds, and...and we find Moon...But he's...he's just hurt! Eclipse gasped and immediately ran to Moon. "Sunny, what happened?!" They shouted. I walked to them and gently picked Moon up. "I think it was Monty..." I whisper. Eclipse nods, knowing that Monty was bad. Moon and I hadn't told them why for obvious reasons. Anyways, Eclipse picks up Moon's detached arm. "I can call Wendy to come fix him up," I say. Eclipse nods again. I think they're just a little shocked and worried that they don't want to talk much, which is understandable, considering Eclipse hasn't seen one of us hurt this badly.

     After a few minutes, Eclipse and I got back to the house. The door was still open from when we left, so we walked in. I set Moon down on the couch. "Clipsy, can you go get a towel and a blanket?" I ask. Eclipse nods and sets Moon's arm beside the couch and walks to the bathroom. They come back with the said towel and blanket within a few seconds. I grab the towel and put it against Moon's shoulder to keep the oil from spilling. Then, I wrap him in the blanket. We hear the 'whirrs' get louder. I guess it hurt slightly for the towel to be against that open wound for Moon.

     I grab my phone and call Wendy. A few seconds of ringing, and Wendy answers.

-[ On The Call ]-

Wendy: 'Ello?

Sun: Hey, Wendy! We got a little problem

Wendy: Huh, what problem?

Sun: Well...An arm-ripped-off-kinda problem...

Wendy: Arm ripped off?! What happened?!

Sun: I'm thinking it was from Monty.

Wendy: What? But how?

Sun: Oh, you didn't know? Oh, well. I'm not sure how, but Monty's chip got into Moon's import opening. I've tried taking it out, but it was jammed in. It also burned my hand, and it gave Moon massive headaches and shocks when I tried

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