Ch. 41: Games

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~{ No One's POV }~

Eclipse began thinking of which game they would play. Sun and Moon think too. Then, Eclipse gets an idea. They suggest, "What if we play Twister?" Sun and Moon look at each other, then back at Eclipse. "Yeah, that'd be fun!" Sun says. Moon chimes in, ""

Eclipse smiles and runs to the closet and opens the doors. They grab the box for Twister, then they run back. After opening the box, Eclipse takes out the Twister map. They lay it down on the floor, then they grab the spinner. They place it on the floor, the game now fully set up.

"Wow, that was fast!" Sun exclaims. Moon and Eclipse nod in response. "Who wants to go first?" Eclipse asks. Sun and Moon both point at Eclipse. "Wh- Huh?! Why me?" Eclipse asks. "Because you're cute, go," Sun says with a smile. Eclipse just blushes a little and they flick the arrow. It lands on 'left hand, red'. So, Eclipse places their left hand on a red spot.

Then, Sun makes Moon have the next turn. So, Moon spins his turn as the arrow lands on 'right foot, green'. Oh. Moon puts his right foot on a green spot. The second his foot makes contact with the spot, Moon gets a strange memory flow. He feels that little empty spot in him being filled again. For a quick second, Moon remembers everything that happened after he hit his head. But after that one second, the memory goes blank again. Leaving Moon feeling a small bit of empty again.

After that, Sun goes for his turn. The arrow spins a few times before it stops at 'right hand, blue'. So, as the game intends, Sun's right hand goes onto a blue spot.

-[ Time Skip ]-

After hours of playing, the three lovers were in a tangled mess. They all refused to lose, so they kept playing. To be specific, Eclipse was laying down on his back, Sun had to have his ass up a little bit to reach a spot, and Moon's crotch was over Eclipse's face. Just the thought of this made them all blush.

But, in Eclipse's demise, Moon was starting to lose balance and his arms and legs grew tired from being in that position. "M-Moon, Moon, Moon!! Y-You better not fall, I swear-!" Eclipse shouts. "I'm trying not to, but my limbs are so tired!!" Moon yells back. Sun laughs and watches them panic. "Sun, please help-! I don't wanna fall on Eclipse!!" Moon shouts. "No!" Sun yells back. Moon groans and flicks the arrow on the spinner. And, it's...'left...foot...yellow...' Moon's foot was already on green, meaning if he moved his foot up, it'd expose more of his crotch to Eclipse's face. "What?! I can't do that!!" Moon yells.

"Well, you can just lose!" Sun yells. Moon huffs and puts his foot up to the yellow spot. Eclipse screams and blushes more. "Moonyyyy!!!!!"

So, yeah. Moon fell on Eclipse, but of course, he got up immediately after. Eclipse gasps for air and blushes intensely while Sun is laughing his ass off. Once Sun finishes, they all decide to play truth or dare now. Since it's more subtle.

Eclipse says, "I am NOT going first this time now!" Sun and Moon chuckle before Sun makes Moon go first

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Eclipse says, "I am NOT going first this time now!" Sun and Moon chuckle before Sun makes Moon go first. He rolls his eyes playfully and says, "Fine. Eclipse, truth or dare?" Eclipse thinks before they choose dare. Moon chuckles and crawls to him. He whispers in Eclipse's audio recievers, "I dare you to wear only your boxers for the rest of the game~" Eclipse shivers and blushes. "M-Moony, but it'll get cold!" Eclipse tries to find a way out of it. "We turned off the AC already, no it won't~" Moon replies.

Eclipse whines and begins taking their shirt and shorts off, accepting defeat. Sun laughs and blushes a little. Eclipse closes their legs together and crosses their arms. Moon laughs too and sits down. "Your turn, Eclipse!" Sun says. Eclipse nods and asks, "Truth or dare, Sunny?" Sun chooses truth. Eclipse ponders before saying, "Is it true made Moony sleep with his candy that one night?" Sun nods. Then, Moon gasps and yells, "Sunny, we agreed to only use those on the kids!!" Sun and Eclipse laugh.

"I know, but you act like a kid when it comes to you not wanting to sleep," Sun says. Moon chuckles. "You meanie," He says jokingly. Sun smiles and says, "Well, Moon, truth or dare?" Moon replies, "Dare! I'm not afraid!" Sun smirks and pulls Moon close. "I dare you to close your eyes and turn around and stay perfectly still~" Sun says. Moon nods and closes his eyes. His back is now facing Sun.

Seeing the button on Moon's head, Sun presses it. A 'click' sound comes from Moon's back. There was a small covering over Moon's backloop where his wire can be attached. It's simple. All the cover does is it slides in to the side and Moon's backloop reveals itself. With a smirk, Sun swiftly bites Moon's backloop, earning a loud yelp from him. "S-Sun, not there!!" Moon shouts.

"Yes, there~" Sun teases as he sucks on Moon's backloop. Oh, how that one spot is so sensitive. Moon whimpers and he bites his lip. Eclipse laughs and records them, like the cute lover they are. Moon seems to be almost at his breaking point by now. "S-Sun, n-no MORE!!" Moon shouts as he squeals. Sun began to trace circles on his backloop.

-[ 1 Hour Later ]-

The three had finished their games and they were all exhausted. They all got ready for bed before they lay on the bed all together. Sun turns on the TV so there will be a soft noise playing. After a few minutes, the three drift away to a wonderful, dreamless sleep...


Yaayyy! Finally, a chapter! :D

Word Count: 997

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