Ch: 15. A Lesson

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~{ Sun's POV }~

I guess today was meant to be any normal day, but it wasn't. Things got a little different since Eclipse came here. Moon had began to get more...mean? I guess that's how you could describe it. He would be very rough with me whenever he got close an he sometimes would get really mad when Eclipse even got near me!

I was getting pretty mad about this, so tonight I've got the perfect plan for him! But, I'll have to get Eclipse out of the room for tonight...Oh! I could get the glamrocks to have a sleepover with Eclipse to meet him! That's perfect! Now, to start this plan!

~{ Time Skip }~

I got the glamrocks to agree with the sleepover and Eclipse is now hanging out with them. Now, it's just me and Moon. Perfect~

~{ Moon's POV }~

Today is just like any other since Eclipse came here. He's already driving me insane and it hasn't even been a week! Why can't he just stay away from MY Sunshine?! I know he probably doesn't have any intentions to mess with Sun, but anyone can be a backstabber. Jeez, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I don't mean for this to affect how I act around Sun, but everytime I'm around him, I get super protective. I think I get a little too rough with him... But he is my boyfriend, so I can be rough with him, as long as it doesn't hurt, right? That's probably okay, right?! Dammit, why does everything have to be so complicated?!

Well, aside from my anger, I can sleep more peacefully than before. I don't have to go out almlst every night for security scans! Eclipse can take care of most of the days. Welp, I guess I'm just laying here on the play structure thinking. Hm...Maybe I could go talk to Sunny.

"Hey Sunny" I said as I landed right in front of Sun from my wire. His expression looked different than normal. He looked mad but also...horny? "Hello, Moondrop~ Follow me, will you~?" He said.

This was definitely different than usual. Normally, Sunny just calls me Moon or Moony. Somethings definitely up... "Up to our room. Now. I have to grab a few things" He instructed me.

I nodded my head and walked to our room. I was confused as to where Eclipse was, but I guess it doesn't matter. I fell on our bed with a flop sound and just layed there. Soon later, Sun comes back with a large box. It looks heavy...

"Good boy~ Already laying down for me~" Sun said. Oh no. I know where this is going. "H-Hold on, Sunny! I- um..wh-" I stutter. "Shh~ You've been very naughty to me, Moony~ And you know what happens to boys who have been naughty, don't you~?" He teased.

I closed my eyes shut as I felt Sun crawl on top of me. He pulled the box close, then took something from it. I felt my pants being tugged down. I opened my eyes and saw what was in Sun's hand. It was a vibrator.

He turned it on to 10% and put it against my clit. (They have both a dick and pussy which includes a clip and cream) I moaned quietly as he rubbed the vibrator in a circular motion. A few seconds later, he turns it up to 20%. Then 25%...30%...35%...

I moaned loudly when he turned it up to 40%. My legs trembled and shook violently as he turned it up higher. I felt my pussy growing warmer as he turned it up again. I arched my back, as the vibrator was atleast at 65%. I heard him chuckle as he, once again, turned it up.

I couldn't help but to squirm around. Apparently, Sun didn't like that one bit. He turned off the vibrator and turned around where his ass was in my face. Yet, he didn't sit down. He just left this ass hovering over my face.

"You want it, Moony~?" He asked teasingly. I nodded and whined loudly, hoping that's all it took. I heard the vibrator turn on and it was much louder than before. Sun kept his ass over my face as he rubbed the vibrator up and down my dick. I moaned awful loudly as Sun dragged it down pass my clit to my hole.

He let it vibrate above and around my entrance before roughly shoving it inside. I moaned and began breathing harder than before. Sun thrusted in and out with the vibrator with the highest setting, moving in different directions in search of my sweet spot. Sun went faster and rougher each thrust. At one point, the vibrator hit my sweet spot for a second but it didn't keep hitting there.

So, I decided to let Sunny know. "Aahh~! S-SuNNY~! O-Oh, riGhT th-thERE~!!" I moaned. Sun seemed to have a pleasure in doing this to me.

Anyways, he finally found my sweet spot, which made me arch my back and moan louder. "S-SuNNy~! I- hah! I f-f-feEL c-cloSE~!!" I moaned in a scream. Sun pulled the vibrator out and began thrusting into me with his dick. He even had started jerking me off! "F-FUCK, SUNNY~!! N-nGH~ A-Ah~ AAH~!! C-C-CUMMING~!!!"

As soon as I came, Sun took my dick in his mouth and began sucking. He swirled his tongue around it, my cum getting all over his mouth. When I finished, Sun licked and sucked off all of my cum. The whole time throughout this, he hasn't said a single word. At least, I couldn't hear if he did say anything.

He just looked at me in my eyes and pushed himself up so know our faces met. He kissed me roughly and began grinding against me. He somehow slithered his tongue in my mouth and explored every inch. I moaned in the kiss and tried pushing him away. Obviously, he stopped me.

He continued making out with me until we both had to release in order to breathe better. We huffed and panted, looking at each other. Sun smiled and finally spoke after this whole time. "Do you wanna know why I did this to you~?" He asked.

I nodded and he spoke again. "It's because you've been a bad boy~! And if you wanna be a good boy, you're gonna tell me why you've been acting different." He said sternly. I gulped as I was nervous of what to say.

A minute of silence went by which felt like an hour. "Moon. You need to tell me so I can fix it." He said. I whined, but decided to tell the truth. "Eclipse is too touchy with you...I don't like it..." I said.

He replied, "Too touchy? Moony, he barely gets near me! I mean, a hug or two, but that's it! Look, I am never going to let Eclipse take me away from you." I started tearing up because of his words. They were so sweet and kind and reassuring.

"You promise..?" I ask. He nods then leads in for a kiss. It goes on for 30 seconds until he pulls away. I smile and so does Sunny. "I love you, Moony" He says. I replied, "I love you too, Sunshine"

Sun and I just lay together and after a few minutes, sleep takes us both.

(1246 words! Finally, smut! For the first time in forev- ANYWAYS! I'm trying to bring back more smut for you people! It's certainly been a minute so I probably won't have em be that good :( Welp! Have a good day/night!)

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