Ch. 30: Who Are You?!

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~{ Moon's POV }~

I begin getting extremely worried for Sun and Eclipse. So, I ask, "Wh-What happened to you two..?" They both go silent. Eclipse is the first one to answer and replies, "I-It was my fault...I hurt myself a little and a-accidently hurt Sunny too..." I gasp quietly as Eclipse walks over to us. "Why did you do that, Eclipse..?" I ask quietly.

He answers, "I-I missed you too much...I couldn't control m-myself..." I sigh and nod, then hop down from the counter. I hug both of the before I say, "I love you two, I'll see you in a little while..." A tear rolls down Sun's face as he waves with a small smile. "We love you too, Moon. I can't wait to see you again..." Sun says quietly.

I smile back and wave before I leave the Daycare, avoiding any STAFF bots. I sigh and go to the food court here and get some food. I grab a burger and a drink and begin walking to a hidden place no one knew about except me. I got to a wall of the Pizza Plex and touch it for a specific spot. Then, I push down on a small spot on the wall which opens an entrance.

I step inside and shut the passage way closed. I turn on my fairy lights and lay on my small pile of blankets and pillows. I look up the lit up ceiling and begin crying again. "I'm so stupid...I'm ready to be back with them but I just can't..." I say, talking to myself. I pick up my burger and slowly begin eating, pulling my phone out from my pocket.

Hesitantly, I hover my finger over the messaging app I use to text Sunny. But I sigh and click on a different app. A small game I play when I'm bored. I played the game for about 10 minutes before my phone died. I huffed, annoyed that I would have to leave my comfy spot to grab the charger.

I lay down on my side and look over to see a stack of pictures. I pick up a few and look through them. The first two were Eclipse, the other two were Sunny and the last two were both of them. I begin crying again and hug the pictures close.

"What is wrong with me..?" I whisper to myself. I mean, I'm probably really messed up. Killing kids, dismantling animatronics, ripping a woman's hand off...All that was my fault. I don't deserve  people as perfect as Sunny and Eclipse...And they don't deserve to watch my mistakes...

I'm just the biggest jerk on this planet...I know Sun and Eclipse forgive me, but I can never forgive myself...Why am I like this..?


I shoot up from a loud bang to see the entrance of my hideout was smashed through. I coughed from all the dust of the rubble and I started seeing a silhouette standing at the entrance. "Wh-Who are you?!" I shout. The person's form becomes more visible and I see a weird rabbit woman. I stand up and step close to this woman before she punches my face, catching me off guard.

I gasp and fall on my back from surprise and the woman pins me down. She reaches for the back of my head and I begin struggling to get out from her grip. "GET OFF OF ME!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!" I scream. The woman reaches the back of my head and pushes something in a small import peice. I soon realize it was some kind of chip and I feel a large shock pulse through my body and I scream.

Soon, everything goes black...


(628 words! Sorry this one is kinda short but I'm working on it-
Welp, I'm working on the questions so don't worry! :D
Anyways, have a great day/night!

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