Ch. 33: Day One

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~{ Moon's POV }~

"UGH, GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!!!" I scream as I try punching the Monty in my head. "No can do. I'm gonna use this beautiful body of yours~" Monty says. In reality, it's just me looking into space. But for me, I'm in my own head.

(Yes I used this head thing from SaMS just with Monty instead please don't blame me, I give full credit to SaMS for that idea so dont take it as copyright please)

Now that Monty's code is in my body, it'll take longer for Sun and Eclipse to trust me... Especially for Sun. I hate how Monty treated him and now that he's literally in my head, Sun might get scared of me...Or more so Monty but also me. "Hey, Moony! How are you? Is everything ok with...Y'know..?" Sunny walks up to me and asks. I snap out of my thoughts and return to reality. "Y-Yeah, I'm just overthinking again..." I reply, sitting on our bed.

Sun sighs and sits beside me, placing his hand on top of mine. "Don't be afraid to talk to us, Moon. No matter what. Please promise me you won't let him trick you..." Sun says, clearly worried for me. Which is really sweet but he doesn't need to worry about my problems. "I promise I won't, but don't worry about me. You probably need to focus on something more important..." I say quietly, scratching at the back of my hand.

Sun notices and grabs my wrists and pulls me close. "Stop. Doing. That. You're hurting yourself when you do that. And I'm gonna worry about you whether you like it or not. That's because I. Love. You! Do you understand that?! Do you understand that I can't lose you?! Moon, I do this because I LOVE YOU!" Sun shouts and begins tearing up. I begin crying and pull my wrists away. "That's the problem!! You love me too much that you don't focus on much else!" I shout as tears pour from my eyes.

Sun ends up speechless and looks away, crying himself. "I-I just don't wanna lose you, Moon...Please understand that..." Sun says quietly. I sigh and reach for him but he flinches with a tiny gasp. "I-I was just g-gonna hug you...You're really s-scared of me...I knew it..! You think I'm a monster, don't you?!" I shout as I stand up, more tears going down from my eyes.

"No no, Moon! I would never think that! I'm just a little uneasy! I'm not scared of you, please! Just come here, please Moon..." Sun reaches for me but I grab his wrist and pull him up. He gasps quietly and looks in my eyes. "You are scared of me. Don't act like you aren't..." I roughly push Sun back on our bed and I walk out, grabbing my wire and flying off to the tallest play structure.

~{ Sun's POV }~

He hates me now, doesn't he..? What did I even do? Why can't things just go back to normal?! Why is it always us that deals with the stress?! Do we have bad luck or something?! "Sunny..?"

I gasp quietly as I see Eclipse standing beside our bed, looking at me with tears forming in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I'll go..." Eclipse says quietly. I sigh and gently pull him in my lap and say, "No, I'm sorry Eclipse...I couldn't give you the life you deserve...You're so sweet and you shouldn't have to go through this..." Eclipse begins crying and hugs me. "I miss how things were...I want our Moony back...The Moony that I know..." Eclipse whispers.

I wipe his tears and say, "I do too Eclipse...But we'll figure this out, I promise...How about you and I go out to the Arcade? Just for a fun day..?" Eclipse gasps and smiles as stars form in his eyes. "YOU MEAN IT?!" He asks. I nod and he squeals, then gets up and runs to the balcony. "C'MOOON!!! I DON'T WANNA WASTE A SINGLE SECOND OF THIS!!!" Eclipse yells.

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