Ch. 20: The Proposal

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~{ Eclipse's POV }~

Sun and Moon were doing so much for me at this time! Oh God, I'm gonna pass out from all of this! They're just- THEY'RE SO HOT!! But I don't want this night to end!!! Ugh! I'm gonna overheat, damnit!!

"Ahem...Um- E-Eclipse?" Sun says. I look down at him and Moon as they both get down on one knee. I blush intensely and I feel like crying of joy. "Eclipse, you have been so sweet to us even though I was a bit of a dick, but you have always made me happy, even if I didn't show it" Moon says. "Eclipse, when I first met you, I knew you would be someone I would definitely care about in some way, and you were always so kind to anyone even if they weren't kind to you, and I never thought we'd get here, but..."

"Will you be our boyfriend?"
"Will you be our boyfriend?"

They both ask at the same time as they pull out a box each with a ring. I begin crying of joy and scoop them up into a hug and I scream. "OH, OF COURSE!!!"

All three of us laugh and shout a little and I set them down after a minute or two. They both grab the same hand at the same time and Sun puts on his ring to me first, then Moon does. "It's not really marriage, but Sunny and I got rings for each other on our second day of dating" Moon says.

I smile and wipe away most of my tears and I hug them both again. I cup both of their faces and first, I kiss Moon on his lips. I feel his face heat up as I release and then I kiss Sun. He begins blushing just as much as Moon and I blush too. "I love you two, very much" I say.

They both blush and leap into a hug with me. I chuckle at then and decide to take us all back into our room. I figured it'd be fine if I slept with them, so I layed in their bed and had them both sleep on top of me.

I pull the blankets up to cover us three and give both of then a goodnight kiss. (so romantic ik 7v7) They both look at each other, then back at me. They sit up a little and begin kissing everywhere on my face.

I giggle at the new touch and move my head a little so they have enough space to kiss me. God damn, I swear these two really know how to make someone blush! This is the best night of my life! I'm so happy that they had asked me to be their boyfriend.

I make them stop after a little bit so we can sleep peacefully. "Good night you two" I say. "Nighty night, Clipsy~" "Good night, sleep well" They both reply. I blush a little and I begin rubbing their backs to help them sleep. Soon later, sleep takes us three all together.

(516 words! Haha! Well, this is the e day of the lil cliffhangers for now, so yall be happy for that! Or don't, that's fine ^v^ Anyways, have a great day/night!)

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