Ch. 35: Packing Up

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~{ Eclipse's POV }~

"WE GET TO GO OUTSIDE?!" I squeal excitedly. Sun nods with tears in his eyes as he picks up Moon and spins him around. "This is amazing!! Finally, we can go outside!!!" Sun shouts. Moon laughs and Sun hugs Moon. The worker Wendy says, "You three are my personal favorite here, so I rented an apartment for you three for as long as you boys want! You just can't stay after July! That's the date you have to leave."

I nod with a big smile as I pick up Sun and Moon both. They laugh and so do I. "I'm so excited!!" I squeal. Sun gasps before he says, "Let's go pack our bags! We need to get ready to go!" Moon and I cheer as we all run up to our bedroom and start packing.

Sun's Stuff:
Sex Toys
Water Bottle
Moon's Hoodie
Eclipse's pants

Moon's Stuff:
A Plush
One Sex Toy
Water Bottle
Sun's bracelets

Eclipse's Stuff:
Dog Plushie from Sun and Moon
Plushie of Sun
Plushie of Moon
Color Pencils

(After Packing Up)

"So, how are we supposed to get there?" I ask. Moon replies, "I think Wendy will take us there." I smile and nod. I put my backpack on my back and I sit on our bed, waiting patiently for when we can leave.

(10 Minutes Later)

We hear the Daycare doors open and Sun walks to the balcony. He says, "Hey, Wendy is here!" Sun jumps down into the ballpit and crawls out. Moon and I follow behind with our bags. Wendy says, "You three just follow me!" We nod and she walks out of the Daycare as we all follow. After a few minutes, we reach the exit doors of the Pizza Plex. Wendy opens the doors for us and we follow her as we walk out. My eyes widen as I see the bright light and a huge place full of a bunch of things with windows.

Wendy starts walking to one of these large objects and she opens one. She says, "Here, you 3 hop in my car and I'll drive you to the apartment! I can check you 3 in and I'll give ya'll my number just in case you need anything!" Oh, so this is a "car?" Huh, cool! Well, we sit in the "car" and it's a pretty tight fit, but it's fine!

"Hey, one of you can sit in the front seat if you want!" Sun and Moon both point at me and I squeak. "Wait, why me??" I ask. Moon answers, "Because, now get up there." I giggle and get out then I get back in at the front seat but without the wheel. I close the door and I hear something start up. I yelp but Wendy reassures me that it's just the "car" starting. Soon, we all start moving as the "car" starts to move away from the spot.

Soon, we're on a concrete place with many other "cars." The lights and places and buildings all look so interesting. I'm so excited we get to see the outside world...


(545 words. I am SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!! I WILL WORK ON MORE CHAPTERS MORE OFTEN NOW! Anyways, enjoy, have a great day/night :)

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