Ch. 8: So Much In One Day

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(I made this to be a lil tickle fluff story for those who like tickles!)

Sun's Pov:

Moon and I had just woken up and we were getting ready for our day back at work. Since we were able to stay for Monday without work, it was now Tuesday. We jumped down into the ball pit and just in time too! All of the little munchkins had just gotten in. Some of them slid down the slide, while others went through the big wooden doors. I excitedly ran over to all of the little ones. I looked back at Moon with a couple kids in my arms and a bunch all at my legs. Moon was walking to us all and started calming them down a little. Just enough for them to stop clinging to me. Moon instructed them to play among each other. Moon stood next to me.

Moon: "Those little gremlins really love you, huh?"

Moon asked me as I turned my head to him. I replied with a simple smile.

Sun: "Ahah, I guess so! B-But they love you too!"

I didn't want Moon to feel left out or feel like no one cared about him. Moon chuckled at me and kissed my cheek. Little did we know that a big group of kids were watching us the whole time. I stood there blushing as the kids chanted, "MR. SUN AND MR. MOON SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Moon told them to stop though and calmed them down. But after that he told me to wait where I was as he took the kids and instructed them to follow him. A few minutes passed before I heard a loud "YEAH!!" It sounded like everyone in the daycare. Which it was. Moon walked back to me as the children ran in all sorts of directions. He sat down and so did I. He just sat there, smiling. I couldn't help but ask him what he and the kids were doing.

Sun: "Moony? What were you talking about with the kids?"

He just looked over, still smiling and he replied with a smirk.

Moon: "Nothing for you to worry about. For now~"

I wondered what he meant but brushed to the side. Maybe I'll figure it out later.

~Time Skip~

I cleaned up all of the plastic bags that were thrown about during snack time. Today, the kids had Cheez-It bags, apple juice, and apple slices with peanut butter. There was one little one that was allergic to peanuts so I used some caramel instead. I told him to stay quiet and if anyone asks, it's peanut butter. I walked to the trash can beside the security desk and tossed the trash in. I walked away and started wondering where Moon was. I haven't seen him since snack time! I started searching as I noticed less children were here than before. Some of them were missing! I started to panic and run around looking for Moon and the missing children.

Moon's Pov:

I gathered up a bunch of little ones who were still interested in the plan and we hid in a secret spot that Sun surprisingly didn't know about. One of the kids pointed to Sun as he whisper-yelled.

Kid: "Mr. Sun is looking for us! What if he finds us?"

I reassured him that Sun didn't know this hiding spot so we were ready to launch the plan into action. I carefully let out the children back into Sun's sight. I then came out of my hiding spot myself and walked over to Sunny. The poor thing was rambling about. I guess he's worried about the kids. I hugged him from behind as he gasped. He calmed down when he saw it was me.

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