Ch. 58: Questions

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~{ No One's POV }~

The night slowly passed, turning to the second day in the hospital. Moon had woken up feeling awful. He felt so useless and exhausted, like he couldn't do anything useful. He felt like a lost cause. Wendy noticed Moon's depression. She knew he needed his old life back or at least something to know his lovers are safe. She sighed and got up from her bed. She walked out of the room and looked around for another doctor.

She walked around before passing a STAFF room. There were about 3 people in there. She peaked in, seeing an officer and two doctors. She listened to their conversation.

"Sir, when we found him he was in worse condition than that car wreck should've done...We know he was only with that woman and the child so it couldn't possibly come from either of them...if we ask him, he might stress more...His mental health seems...honestly just terrible..." One of the female doctors said. The officer didn't seem pleased.

"Well whatever happened, we need to be more concerned over the missing people from the fire. We have no evidence of them at all and it's taking a while to clear out that ruin. We need a faster lead or else these people might be in serious danger." The officer said.

Wendy continued listening as the three in the room were discussing the issue and looking for possible solutions. After a while, the officer stood up. "I'm going to go check on the animatronic. He'll know more of the others than much of anyone else," The officer said.

Wendy quickly returned to the room, avoiding the officer's view. She climbed back into the bed and looked over to Moon. "What's the rush?" He asked. She hesitated before the officer walked in. Moon and Wendy both turned their heads to him. Moon instantly felt his body tense. The officer wasn't Jacob, yet Moon remembered seeing this officer with him at some point. The officer walked to Moon. "Hello, my name is Noah and I have a few questions for you if you don't mind," Noah said calmly. He didn't seem as aggressive as Jacob so that was a good start. Moon nodded and sat up, getting comfortable. "We can start whenever you're ready," Noah explained. Moon nodded again in response. "I'm ready," He replied.

Noah nodded and pulled out a clipboard with a sheet of paper attached. "Ok Moon, first, where were you when the fire started?" Noah asked. Moon paused before saying, "I was in the Pizza Plex at Roxy's Raceway." Noah nodded and asked, "Why were you there?" Moon was quick to respond this time. "I was picking up my kid from Roxy and Chica." Noah nodded and wrote down the information Moon was giving. "Now, where were your partners at this time?" Noah asked. Moon felt a twinge of...something. He couldn't tell what but hearing an officer mention them made him feel like they were threatened. He didn't know why, he just felt uneasy giving information about his lovers to someone.

Despite this, he answered anyway. "They were in the daycare in our room," He replied. Noah wrote this down as well. Not only the information Moon was giving but also the clues of anxiety or stress from the bot. He then proceeded with his questions. "When was the last time you saw them?" Moon thought before replying, "Before I left to pick up my child." Noah wrote down every answer and clue he was getting from Moon. Everything was needed in this case in order to find the missing bots. This was a tough case too so these clues helped. It wasn't easy having no resources in a case so Moon's answers would prove to be quite helpful.

"How close or connected are you with the others?" Noah asked. Moon responded quickly with this one, "Sun and Eclipse are my partners, I would do anything for them." Moon made his point clear, his partners were his and would not be discarded or forgotten. Moon would do anything, even illegal things to save his partners from whatever has them, if they even are taken or only hiding. With this thought, that led to ideas of what could be happening to Sun and Eclipse. Are they simply being taken care of by a kind human? Are they simply camping out and are safe? Are they lost somewhere? Were they taken? Are they being hurt? Were they even still alive?..

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