Ch. 25: Karma?

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(imnotasimp22 here is your chapter with yandere Moon ^^)

~{ Moon's POV }~

I woke up and felt a little pain from last night. I'm a little surprise Eclipse let us do that to him. But, I guess it's fine. Oh, speaking of Eclipse! Today is the day that Sunny and I are supposed to talk to Will, the bully's, mom. I got up out of bed, careful as to not wake up Eclipse or Sun.

The Daycare isn't going to be closed, but we're still going to have a talk with his mother. I walk over to our small kitchen in our room and open our mini fridge. I pull out a simple chocolate donut. I begin eating as I dress for today.

I hear Eclipse groan as he begins to wake up and I smile. I finish eating my donut before he can see so he won't go crazy over it. "Mmmmhhh...Moooonyyyyy?" Eclipse groans. I giggle and sit beside him on our bed and reply, "Yes, Firefly?" Eclipse groans again and wraps his arms around my waist and whines, "I'm huuuungryyyyy!"

I chuckle and get another donut from the fridge and hand it to him. He gasps and immediately sits up and takes the donut. "Because it's your special day, you get a donut for breakfast!" I say. He smiles and looks at the donut but then...frowns. "Moony, I don't get it. Today isn't a special day, why are you giving this to me?" He looks up at me, visibly worried.

I smile and reply, "Today is a special day, though! Today is the day that we talk to that bully's mom! And I want you to be happy because of justice!" Eclipse smiles again and takes a small bite of the donut. "Thank you, Moony" Eclipse says. I nod and check the time, smiling.

I walk over to where Sunny was sleeping which was the other direction of the bed, and begin to wake him. Shortly, Sun wakes up and rubs his eyes, turning over on his other side. "Nooo...5 more minutes..." Sunny groans. I chuckle and sit beside him. I begin gently shaking him to wake up. "C'mon, Sunny. Today's the daaayyy" Right after I said that, Sun shot up and looked over to me.

"Today?! That's today?!" He shouts with a smile. I simply nod and he runs to our closet to change. After he finishes, he runs back and yells, "C'mon!!! I'm ready! Let's gooo!!!" I smile and pull him in my lap and kiss his cheek. "Calm down, Sunshine~ We have to wait for the Daycare to open, ok?" I say calmly.

Sun whines, "How long is thaaat?" I smile more and reply, "Not too long. Just enough to eat breakfast. Now, go get something to eat" Sun smiles and quickly runs to the kitchen and grabs a donut. He runs back and sits on my lap again. Then, he begins eating the donut.

Sun quickly eats but he accidentally chokes from eating too fast! "Sunny! Oh my god!" I shout as I pat his back. He coughs and tears form in the corner of his eyes. He eventually coughs out a small chunk of donut. I quickly hug him and whine, "Oh, please be more careful!" Sunny smiles and hugs me back. But then, he says, "Uhm...Moony? Where's Eclipse?"

I pull away from the hug and look over to see Eclipse missing. I gasp and start calling out his name, deciding not to panic because he probably just left for a second. Sunny begins looking around the room and I stand up, but then...I hear a small whimper under the bed. I immediately look under to see...Eclipse... Crying...

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