Ch. 24: Second Time

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(Again, this chapter has credits to.............
Moony-the-gay_slut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are great, definitely should follow them!
Lil note: I'll use a couple of scenes from the rp but not the whole thing cuz I had trouble writing the last chapter from the rp
Anyways, enjoy the story!)


~{ Sun's POV }~

An hour had passed since I made Moon wait for pleasure. "I'll go get Eclipse, you stay here and you better not play with yourself while I'm gone~ Or you'll get punished~" I say as I smile and get up. He whimpers and replies, "I-I'll try~" Before I wave and jump off the balcony, I say, "You better try hard~ See ya in a second~"

Once I crawl out of the ballpit, I walk over to Eclipse and hug his arm like the sweet boyfriend I am. "C'mon, Moony and I have a surpriiiise for you~ But let's take these kids to their parents first!" I say sweetly. He nods and agrees, now leaving the daycare with the kids, taking them to the pick-up area.

The last kid was left with me waving bye. "Wow, they went out fast today? Now, c'mon, I've been making Moony wait for so loooong~" I say as I begin pulling him back to the daycare. Suddenly, I begin hearing a faint sound from our room and immediately know that Moon was disobeying me~

"Ooh~ You'll like this~ Now, be quiet, if he hears us, he'll act all innocent~" I say before Eclipse nods confusingly. I sneak into our room and Eclipse does too, but more outbof sight than me. Only to find, Moon playing with himself~

I sneak to the foot of our bed and say, "Boo~" I stand up and put my hands on the bed. Moon gasps as he pulls his hand out of his pants, which he was fingering himself, and yells, "SUN!" I smirk and say, "That's right~ Aaand I bought Eclipse~ Mind coming here for a second~?" Eclipse walks over to us and sits beside our bed, clearly confused.

Moon blushes and stutters, "S-So- uhm- ah...What you saw wasn't what you saw..!" I crawl on our bed and make Eclipse follow my steps and say, "Oh, is that right~? Then let me see your hand~" He immediately hides his hands and replies, "Why should I if I d-didn't do anything?"

"Well, I need to know if you're lying~ And bad boys get punished~ Isn't that right Eclipse~?" I tease as I look over to him. Eclipse lays down and asks, "Yeah but uh- What are you two doing?" Moon blushes and he says, "I didn't mean for you to catch me!" I sit on his crotch and say, "Eclipse~ Sit behind him and pin his arms up~" He nods and does what he's told. Moon gasps, which makes me smirk a little more.

"Now, because of the bad boy you were, you are going to take our teasing but no touch~" I tease as I hover my hands over his crotch. Eclipse asks, "I uh- What is happening?" Moon whimpers and begs, "Oh please~! Touch me~" I keep my hands hovering as I reply, "Nope~ And Eclipse, this is what makes Moony feel good~ And maybe you too~ So, tease him in any way, but don't touch~ He's fraagiiileeee~ And he'll break if he's touched~" Eclipse gasps dramatically and nods with a smile.

Moon whimpers again and stutters, "I-I'm n-n-not fr-fragile!" Eclipse smiles more and traces circles in the air over Moon's waist. I reply, "Oh, yes you are~ One simple tap! And you'll be begging~" As I say 'tap,' I tap his crotch quickly, but pull my hand away as fast as possible. Moon begs again, "O-Oh~ N-No please~! Touch me more~~~ I need it so bad~!"

Eclipse begins giving in to his begging and says, "Maybe we should? He seems really desperate?" I make sure to think of a way Eclipse will know he shouldn't be touched. So, I reply, "Nope~ No matter how much he begs, don't fall for it~ A naughty, dirty, bad boy doesn't get his reward until after his punishment~" Moon whines loudly after this and begs, "Pleasee~~~~"

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