Ch. 13: Friend Or Fiend?

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~{ Moon's POV }~

It had been a month since Sun and I were informed about Eclipse. Sun and I went back to working with the kids, but Monty was still broken. But I'm still jealous that he has to work here with us. I mean, who could blame me? Sun is the love of my life and if I ever lost him, I would destroy the whole pizzaplex and all the people in it, then most likely live out in the world outside of here and murder people one by one.

I'd probably end up killing myself after I can't do much more. Anyways, back to the point. I swear I will make sure this Eclipse knows that Sun is mine. "Moony!! Moony!" I heard Sun yelling at me from down in the daycare.

I leaped down into the ballpit and climbed out to Sun. "Yes, Sunshine?" I ask as Sun is bouncing and jumping up and down excitedly. "THEY FINISHED ECLIPSE!! HE'S COMING TO WORK WITH US TOMORROW!!" Sun squealed in excitement as he yelled.

Me, on the other hand, was extremely upset. But, I had to fake that I was happy so he doesn't get sad. I hugged him and faked my smile. "That's wonderful, Sunshine.." I said. "Moony? What's wrong? Aren't you excited?" He asked, oh so innocently.

He's perfect, I can't tell him! He would be upset with me...I know it's stupid but why wouldn't I be protective of my Sunny?! He's been through a lot and I don't want him to get hurt, or I lose him somehow... "It's nothing, Sunny" I replied, but Sun didn't buy it.

"Moony, something is upsetting you. Please, will you tell me?" He asked. I gulped and held my breath. (Ah yes, the non-existent breath) Sun cupped my face, bringing my face close to his.

"I won't force you to tell me, but I will ask. So, please Moony, will you tell me what's wrong?" He said worriedly. I could feel tears building up in my eyes, and I quickly launched into a hug with Sunny. I had my head buried against his chest, tears rolling down my face. He rubbed my back gently, then kissed my forehead.

"Oh, my precious Nightlight...What's wrong..?" He asked as he continued rubbing my back. I replied while still crying, "I-I don't wanna l-lose you!" I heard a small gasp from him as I continued crying.

"You won't lose me, Moony! Why would you think that..?" He asked quietly. "E-...Eclipse could t-take you a-away from me...I-I don't want th-that to happen..." Sun gasped when he heard me. He cupped my face and made me look at him.

Tears streamed down my face as he spoke. "Moon. There is no way that I would let someone take me away from you. Eclipse will only be a simple friend. I promise" He smiled gently.

I sniffled and rubbed tears away from my face. "Th-Thank you, Sunny...C-Can I h-have kisses..?" I asked quietly. Sun squealed that I had asked...It was cute but also embarrassing.

"AWWWWWW!!!!! MOONY, YOU ARE SO ADORABLE!!!!! OF COURSE!!!!" He squealed. I blushed a lot and tried hiding my face, but Sunny's hands stayed cupping my face. Rapidly, he kissed everywhere around my face.

I couldn't help but giggle and blushed way too much. He continued kissing, not leaving any part of my face untouched. It felt amazing being in his mercy and love.  He went on for about a minute until he went in for a long passionate kiss on my lips. He moved one of his hands away from my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pulled away, smirking at me. I blushed, but I was confused. He had my hoodie on and he had something in his pocket. "Close your eyes for me, ok~?" He said teasingly.

I nodded and closed my eyes. I soon heard a click sound and felt something around my neck. Sunny told me to open my eyes, so I did. I looked down at my neck, to only see a collar! I opened my mouth to speak but Sun put his finger on my lips.

"Shush. Don't worry, I'm just making sure that Eclipse knows your mine~" Sun teased as he pulled me closer by pulling the collar. I looked at what the collar read. "Moon, Property of Sun. Please return if missing" The collar read.

I blushed roughly as I noticed Sun's face moving closer to my neck. He sided the collar out of the way to kiss, lick, and nibble on my neck. I shivered at the touch and moaned quietly. I had to wrap my arms around his neck to keep balance. After a little longer, Sun moved to a different spot on my neck.

I peaked down at the spot he was recently at and saw a hickey. I gulped, wondering what people would think if they saw this. Sun began making another on my shoulder. I breathed heavily and moaned quietly. I felt him smile against my shoulder as he continued sucking, licking, and nibbling.

"S-Sunny! I- mmh.. P-Please, no more..!" I moaned out. He chuckled, pulling away from my shoulder. A string of saliva connected his tongue and my shoulderth until it broke. He licked his lips, then kissed me. He bit my lower lip, asking for entrance.

I did as he wanted and he entered his tongue. He swirled it around my tongue, then explored all around my mouth. He pulled away for a second, then licked my lips. He went back to kissing me roughly. I moaned, then started fighting his tongue with mine.

I felt a smile form through the kiss from Sun as he scavenged through my mouth more. I whimpered and moaned, that was until Sun pushed his tongue too far in my mouth. Which, of course, made me gag on it. Sun pulled away as soon as I gagged and smiled at me. "You okay, my little light?" He asked.

I nodded and rubbed my neck. I closed my eyes and continued rubbing my neck. Sunny obviously saw and pulled me closer. He gently kissed my neck to make sure I was ok. I made a humming sound and cupped his face to move it away.

"I love you, Sunny" I said. "I love you too, Moony" He replied. Sun scooped me up, holding me bridal style and began waking to our room. He layed me down on our bed and layed down with me. He pulled the blankets over us and pulled me to lay on top of him.

I blushed and started rambling and stuttering a lot about what he was doing and what he will do to me. That was until he kissed me. Probably to make me shut up. When he released, he said, "Sleep."  I yawned, then closed my eyes. Soon after, sleep took me.

(1169 words! Simple fluff for da Moony cuz he deserves it. Anyways, I don't have much to say so have a great day/night!)

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