Ch. 16: Replaced

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~{ Moon's POV }~

Today rolled in like any other. Eclipse had came back from his sleepover and Sun and him were working with the kids. I had a tinge of jealousy on me because of Eclipse. Ok, maybe not a tinge. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm jealous like crazy!

I still don't like Eclipse, but he is kinda funny...and he's like a huge softie, but he can get dangerous pretty quick...It's kinda cute...Woah- What am I thinking?! Jeez, what is wrong with me?!

Well, there's something I should probably tell Sun. This morning before he woke up, a note was left on the security desk in the daycare. It read, "Hello, Moondrop and Sunrise! We have thought about replacing Montgomery Gator with an old animatronic from the first FNAF Location! His name is Bonnie, and he shouldn't take too long to make because we somehow have the old animatronic of him. Just wanted to tell you this! -Staff Member Wendy"

I decided to wait until naptime to tell Sunny since I didn't wanna interupt him with the children.

~{ Time Skip }~

It was finally naptime and I had gotten the children asleep with a lullaby; Mine and Sunny's personal favorite, You Are My Sunshine.

(I, personally, was always scared of that song for some reason -A/N)

I had the note from this morning in my pocket as I was ready to tell Sunny. "Phew! Today was a lot, don't ya think, Moony?" Sun says. I smile and nod. I take his hands in mine and look him in his eyes.

"Moony?" He asks. "Sunny, I have a huge surprise for you that the staff have told me. But, I'm not sure how you're going to react so we have to go to our room" I say. Sunny nods and I take him to our room.

"What did you wanna tell me?" He asks. I pull out the note from my pocket and hand it to him. "Well, the saff told me that...they're replacing Monty" I say. Sun's eyes widen as he reads the paper. I see tears form in his eyes.

"H-He's finally...gone..?" Sun asks, a tear rolling down with many more following behind. "Mhm.." I reply. "He's finally gone...HE'S GONE!! MOONY, HE'S GONE!" He screams with a smile and jumps into a hug with me. I laugh as he continues crying.

"Oho! M-My Sunshine! Haha! Are you gonna be alright?" I chuckle while I speak, Sun sniffling and wiping tears away. "Of course I will! I never really wanted to hurt someone but Monty deserved what he got. I do feel a little guilty, but mostly happy" He exclaims. I smile and kiss him.

I release, cupping his face. "You're adorable, Sunshine" I say. He smiles and wraps his arms around my neck. "Goodness, I've wanted this for so long" He says. We hug for a while, just one or two tears left that stream down Sun's face. That was until an alarm went off, informing that naptime was over.

Sun moves away and wipes his tears away. "I'll go wake the children. Love you, Moony. See ya later!" He waves with a smile, then jumps down into the ball pit. I hear him speak up loud enough for the children to hear. "Wakey wakey, little ones! Time to wake up!" I smile as I hear him.

I'm happy he isn't upset about Monty. He shouldn't have to be anyways. Like he said, Monty deserved it.

(586 words! Sorry this chapter is pretty short, I just wanted to make this and j can't think of any ideas for these chapters so sorry if any take a while! Anyways, have a great day/night!)

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