Ch. 53: Parts and Services

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~{ No One's POV }~

The next day came quick, sadly. Moon left at 10 AM and everyone else stayed home. However, Wendy had gotten a call from the Pizza Plex. They said Eclipse, Moon, and Sun would need to go there tomorrow. She wondered why, but agreed to allow them to go. So, the next day, they went.

~{ Eclipse's POV }~

I feel myself waking up, but I refuse to open my eyes, not remembering going to sleep as I begin to gain the sense of touch. I realized all four of my wrists were strapped down with metal shackles, along with my ankles. I decided to open my eyes and see him in parts and services. I've only been here once, the day I was made. Sunny always told me never to come here because the people here are mean.

I assume I'm just here for upgrades or something, until I look next to me and see Moony is shackled down but still powered off. I look to my other side and see Sunny just the same. I was going to call out for them, but I heard the doors open and 2 men walked in. I pretend to be powered off by closing my eyes and going limp. 

“Defective you said?” said one of the men, my heart pounds when I hear that word.

“You heard me right, I know they meant to make their own personalities, but these three have become near human-like.” said the second man. “And if that's not a problem, this one, Moondrop, has killed multiple people.”  I opened my eyes slightly to see him gripping Moony's arm tightly, my heart pounds harder. They walk over to me and I close my eyes again.

“This one, Eclipse, we've said acts a little… funky. Autistic like even.” I don't know what that word means, but I almost shed a tear hearing them call me “funky."

“What about this one?” asks the first man.

“We haven't seen anything wrong with Sundrop.” answers the first man “But it's the same model as Moondrop, and Fazbear’s doesn't have the budget for any more problems.” Oil rushes to my ears as I hear them call Sunny an “it”. My anger boils through me, how can they treat my boyfriends like this?

“What do we do with them?”  asks the first man. I feel my fail-safe nearing the max to try and push out and save my boys. But I try to stay calm and still but then… the second man answers…

“Scrap them.”

“CLANK” go my metal shackles...


Yaayyy, a new chapter!

Thanks to FlareRiver for writing this chapter!

Word Count: 443

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