Ch. 1 Tears To Desires

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           How characters will talk:
Talk: "Example"
Whisper: "Example"
Yell/Shout: "EXAMPLE"
Thinking: "Example"

         It was a long day after the daycare had closed. Sun had gotten so overwhelmed today. He was at the brink of tears. To start, Sun had an awful night. He couldn't sleep due to his plushies being missing, which he couldn't sleep without. Then in the morning, all the kids were much more hyper today, considering today was the day Sun promised the kids Sunny drop candies. Which he kept his promise, but made his day harder on him. Not to mention, the kids kept making messes, thinking Sun was his normal self. But, Sun was just...He didn't feel right today. He was able to rest and cool down a little bit when Moon took a turn of taking care of the kids for naptime. So now, Sun was in his room, hugging his pillow instead of his plushies. He was just about to start crying when Moon walked behind him on their bed.

Moon: "Are...Are you ok, Sunny?"

Sun hesitated to answer...He didn't know how to describe how he felt. Moon crawled onto the bed, rubbing Sun's back. Sun was too upset, he quickly turned around and hugged Moon tightly. He finally began to cry. Moon felt a shiver down his spine. Not one of nervous-ness, but of worry for his Sunny.

Moon: "Uh- Are...What's wrong...Sunshine?"

Sun: "To-...Today hurt...Everything kept going wrong! It just..."

Moon: "Shh...It's alright Starburst...I'm here..."

Moon cut Sun off from talking to keep him from making the situation worse. His chest was wet with Sun's tears. He felt so bad for him. He wanted to do something more for Sun than just a hug and rubs. Moon wanted to make Sun feel...good. Not just better than how he was feeling. Even better than that. But before he did that, he'd have to make Sun feel good enough to be comfortable. So, Moon started to try making a conversation. One to get Sun's mind off of his bad day.

Moon: "Hmm...Well, do you want to hear a joke?"

Sun: "I...I guess..."

Moon: "Heh~ Alright...What does it take to make an octopus laugh~?"

Sun: "M-Mhnhnn~ Wh-What..?"

Sun started giggling already. Moon's jokes always were so amusing.

Moon: "It takes...TEN TICKLES~!!"

Moon raised his voice a bit, starting to tickle Sun's back.

Sun: "EHEHEhehehe~!! Mohohoonyyy!"

He continued tickling, tracking his fingers lower and lower. Only at his waist he pinched at Sun's outer, squishier covering of the actual rough metal.

Sun: "AH~!"

Sun moaned a bit, the pinch surprising him pretty much. Enough to make him feel pretty good.

Moon: "Oh~? Did'jya like that, Sunburst~?"

He loved the low, quiet teasing of Moon's voice. It dripped like warm honey, making Sun shiver. He blushed though, he still gets so nervous. He also hesitated to answer. He didn't want to seem too forward, but he really did like it. He hoped Moon would go...lower. Maybe pinch a bit farther down...His expression on his face showed a desire. So, he decided to lie.

Sun: "I- I don't..know..?"

He nervously spoke out his stuttering. But Moon looked down at Sun's face and saw right through him.

Moon: "Y'know...Naughty liars get punisshedd~"

Moon loved dragging out his words. It always effected Sunny so much.

Sun: "A-Ah? Uh- I'm- I didn't- I'm not a liar!!"

Moon: "But you liiieeedd to meee~"

Sun: "M-Mmh..."

He whined, not wanting to verbally respond. He dug his face into Moon's chest, to cover his blushing mess that soon spread across his face.

Moon: "Oh, well now that's not very nice, Starburst! Don't hide your feelingsss~"

Once again, another whine to avoid using words. This time though, he tightened his grip on Moon. Now, wrapping his legs around Moon's. Moon slowly dragged his finger from where he pinched to a more...sensitive spot. He began to draw circles onto his ass. This made Sun shiver and get more limp every second. He eventually let out a small moan mixed with a whine.

Sun: "H-Haah...Moony...No- D-Don't stop..."

Moon: "Is this what you wanted, my bursty-bitch~? Or is this...not enough~?"

Sun gasped at his new pet name.

Sun: "H-Hey! I'm not a bu- what you said!!"

Moon: "I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about~ Elaborate~"

Sun: "H-Hey!! You do know what I mean!! Y-You'r just- You're being naughty!"

Moon: "I can show you naughty~ But I wanna butter you up first~ Make you feel like you're mine and make you know how much you can't escape me~   Whether it be you staying just for me, or out of force~"

Oh, he had done it. Sun felt so flustered! He knew everything Moon said was true! But how could he ever admit that?! Sun couldn't help but push Moon backwards!

Alright, I'm leaving this off with a cliffhanger! I'll be working on the next part soon! It should be out soon after this!

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