Ch. 23: All Together

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(Thanks for Moony-the-gay_slut for this chapter! They helped by doing a rp continuing of this story so thats what this chapter is!)

~{ Moon's POV }~

I just woke up from my nap and I sat up. Seconds later, Sun runs into the room and leaps on our bed. He hugs my waist and I stretch and yawn. "Moooonyyyyy! Hiiii! How'dya sleep?" He asks. I giggle and smile, then reply, "Hi Sunny! I'm good, you?" He looks up at me and say, "Good, but Eclipse got bullied today by a little boy earlier" He says. Hearing that made me mad but, I kept it in for later. I reply, "Oh, the poor baby."

Sun smiles with a hum and crawls ontop of me, laying his head on my chest. I smile back and pet his head, giving an occasional kiss on his forehead. I saw he started blushing and with that, I hug him tightly. "I can do that too!" He shouts and hugs me back tightly with all his might and smiles. I giggle and squeak, which sparks a bit of excitement in Sun. He gasps and looks at me adoringly and squeals, "That was adorable!!!!!! Do it again!!" I squeak again out of embarrassment and yell, "IGNORE THAT SOUND!" He gasps again and kicks his legs a little. "Eeeeeeeeehh!!!!! Do it again, pleeeeeaaaasseeeee!!!" He squeals. I giggle and reply, "I can't do it on purpose, I can only do it when I'm really happy or flustered!"

"Ooooooohh~ I can do that!" He says, smiling widely. He quickly began digging his forehead into my chest rapidly like a bull would. I giggle and smile, then say, "That's so cute!" I squeak right after that, which gets Sun hyped. "Eeeeeeeehh!!! Your squeaks are cuter!!!" He says as he prods my stomach like a cat. I smile and kiss his forehead, then he says, "Squeak more, silly! It's adorable!!"

He blushed a little and he pushed his forehead on me harder. I giggle again and say, "Nah, I'm done squeaking." He whines and says, "Noooooo! Pleeaaaseee! You're sooooo cute, I want more squuueeeeaaaaksss!!!" He pushed himself up a little to push his hear harder on me and he held my legs to keep balance.

I giggle and accidentally snort. I say, "Oh my god." He gasps again and and stops for a second to look up at me. "THAT'S EVE CUTERR!!!! EEEEEEEHH!! DO BOTH! DO BOOOTH!!" He squeals again. I cover my face in embarrassment and say, "Sunnyyy!!! Their embarrassing!" I accidentally squeak again, which obviously gets Sun to beg again. "Aaaaww!!! Please do them again, pleeeeaaseee!! I'll do anythiiing!" He whined and turned over on his back, still laying on me.

I smile and reply, "Fine, only one more time. Now, do something really cute or flirty." He says, "Yaayy!! And I think I know just what to do!" He puts his hands together and makes a puppy face at me and makes his rays flop down. I look at him and say, "Oh my gosh, aaaaaawwww!" I squeak again and Sunny squeals again.

"Eeeeeeeeehh!! That's adorable, Moonyyy!!!" He smiles and cups my face, which makes me giggle. "Thank you, Sunny" I say. He says, "Your giggles are cute too, y'know!" He squishes my face, adoringly. I giggle again and squish his face back. "Your face is soft..." He says, zoning out. I continue squishing his face back, watching him.

He blinks and snaps back to reality, and smiles. "So squuuiishhhhyyyyyy!" He says. I giggle for the millionth time and say, "I squishy you back~" He giggles too and moves his hands down to squish my stomach instead. "This is squishy too!" He says. I blush from embarrassment and say, "H-Hey!" He gently squishes my stomach more and says, "Whaaat?" I blush and cover my face, that is until he squishes much more than before. I gasp and look at him and say, "Suuunyyy!"

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