Ch. 31: That's Not Him

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~{ ???'s POV }~

Finally, I can have a body to use! It's been so long since I've been able to actually move a part of me! Thanks to the help of my best friend, Vanny. Without her, I wouldn't be able to use this magnificent body~

"Ugh...Wh-What...Happened?" He says as he sits up. Finally, my, soon to be mine, Moon has finally woken up~ "Where am I..? Wait...No...No way..." Moon says as he finally sees me in his own mind~

~{ Sun's POV }~

Eclipse and I had just woken up and I was drawing at the security desk. I hear a nearby crash and sat up from my chair. I looked through the windows of the Daycare to see Moon walking back. I smiled and sat back down, pretending I didn't know anything. Soon, the doors swing open and I excitedly turn over to see Moon.

But something was off about him...When he looked at me, his eye twitched and that same eye flashed green... "Hey Moon! Are you ready to come back yet?" I ask happily. Moon smirks and walks to me and says, "Oh, but I've already come back~ And there's no one to stop me now~" I look at him confusingly before he holds my waist.

I squeak and look up at him and blush. Eclipse walks up to me and smiles brightly. "MOONY!!! YOU'RE BACK AGAIN!!!" Eclipse squeals as he hugs him. "So this is the little bitch that replaced me, huh?" Moon whispers. I can just barely hear him and I push him away and look in his eyes.

Again, his eye color flashes green but turns back to normal... "Moon, you're acting really weird. Is something wrong?" I ask. Moon smirks brightly and roughly grips on Eclipse's waist. He jolts and yelps, "M-Moony! That h-hurts! Y-You're grabbing too hard!"

I stand up and push Moon away from Eclipse, making him scratch his waist from trying to keep holding him. "Moon, what is up with you?! You've never acted like this!" I yell as I keep Eclipse close. "Oh, Sunny you can't trust me~? I just wanna plaaayyy~" Moon says. I frown as I look in his eyes.

"Not...Not right now...You aren't acting right.  Something's wrong" I say. Moon snickers and stands really creepily and says, "You finally caught on~? Didn't take as long as I expected, Sunny~ Now, who is this little thing~?" He looks at Eclipse and he starts tearing up. "Y-You...You don't remember m-me..? Moon, y-you have to remember me! I-It's Eclipse! I-I've been here for almost three months?" Eclipse stutters, now crying.

Moon replies, "Eclipse~? So that's your name~ Seems like another weak bitch I can easily make his life a living hell~" Moon's eyes flashed green again and this time, his other eye flashed purple... What is happening with him?! Wait...There's only one person who's acted like this...But there's no way!

"Eclipse, get away from him...That isn't our Moon..."


(508 words! Again with the short chapter- I just like the intense-ness of having a cliffhanger! Anyways, have a great day/night!

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