Ch. 52: Gentle?

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~{ Sun's POV }~

I feel warmth surrounding my body and movement. I open my eyes and groan softly. I look up and see that familiar blue and white chest against my face. I yawn and nuzzle against him. I look up at the TV that's still on and on at the time - 2:45 AM.

I yawn again and look up at Moon. I smile and lean up, softly kissing his lips. I missed this so much that I hadn't even noticed that I kept kissing him. After a few seconds, I broke the kiss. He groaned softly and opened his eyes halfway. "Sunny..?" He mumbled quietly. I softly kiss his lips again. "Shhh... Yes, it's me, dear..." He smiles and kisses back.

"I've missed you so so much... Can we do something together tonight..? I wanna spend the night before I leave with my Sunny," Moon whines. I smile and nod. "Of course...C'mon, let's go to our room so we won't wake the others," I reply as I pick Moon up carefully and walk to the bedroom. I lay down on the bed with him as he snuggles up to me. "Sunny...Can we...y'know...? I-I miss your touch.." Moon mumbled. I smile and rub his crotch. "Of course, darling," I reply. He whines and wraps his arms around my neck. "I-I wanna be top, please?" He asks. I nod and lay on my back. He smiles and gets on top of me slowly. He then grabs a ribbon off the nightstand and blindfolds me. I giggle softly before I feel him hands sneak under my thighs. He lifts them up and over his shoulders. "I've missed your body so much darling," Moon teases, his voice going darker. I blush as he slowly pulls my striped shorts off. "You wore panties? Seriously?"

I blush more. "C-Clipsy suggested them! They wanted me to wear them," I reply. He chuckles and pulls the red fabric away. "M-My God, you're stunning!" He praises before I felt his breath near my entrance within seconds. "M-Moony-! J-Jeez, not so q-quuIICK~~!!" I moaned as I felt Moon's tongue go deep into my pussy. I covered my mouth quickly, praying nobody heard me. Moon licks my entrance with no pause. I whine quietly, biting my lip. I feel his hands grip my thighs aggressively. "M-Mmh~! Wh-What's the grip for~? I-I'm no- ah~ not g-going anywhere~!" I ask, trying to speak through my moans. He didn't respond. Instead, he pulled away. I tilted my head in confusion until I felt his hips pressed against mine. I feel his long blue tentacle sliding on my waist.

"M-Mmh~! M-Moony, please don't tease~!" I whined. He pulled back, then I felt his whole length shove deep inside of me, filling the empty needy space. I bite my lip harder to hold back a loud moan as I feel my legs go up. Before I know it, he's pounding into me relentlessly. He must've been needing this pretty bad. "A-Ah~! Ngh~ M-Moony~! Mm- mmh~ Mmh~!" My voice hitched each time his body connected to mine. I've never felt Moon go so rough before, but it felt good.

He continued, quietly grunting along as I gripped the blankets. I wished I could see his face but I was too stimulated to move the blindfold. He pounced harder, reaching my sweet spot. I arched my back and moaned a bit louder, however still trying to hold back my noises. I could barely hold anything in anymore. I was shaking more, my voice increased, my dick twitched, and my walls clenched. After one more quick thrust, hot slightly-blue tinted liquid shot deep in me as I slapped a hand over my mouth. "M-MMMMMHHH~~!" I had to muffle that last one, otherwise I probably would've waken somebody up.

We both panted heavily as he set my legs down. I felt his body collapse ontop of mine. I smile and remove the blindfold. Looks like he passed out. I sit up and pull Moon up, pulling him out of me along with him. I layed him on the bed and scooted to the edge. I grabbed onto it and got up, my legs shaking. I quickly limped to the wall, almost falling, but I caught myself before I could. I stayed against the wall as I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a rag and damped it with warm water. I limped back to the room and cleaned us up. Luckily, none of it got on the bed. I limp over to the dresser and pull out some clothes. I slip us into them and lay down beside Moon. I pull him close and give him a soft kiss on the lips, before pulling the blanket over us and closing my eyes...


Yaaayyy some smut for ya'll lovelies ^^

Word Count: 822

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