Ch. 22: Bully

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~{ Sun's POV }~

I woke up the next morning to loud laughter, screaming, talking, and giggling. I got up and looked down from his room at the daycare. It was filled with little children of many different ages each. I saw Eclipse laughing and playing with three little girls. I smiled and jumped down into the ballpit.

I walked over to Eclipse and hugged him from behind. He turned his head, then smiled. "Hello, Sunshine" He said sweetly. The three girls all were 'ooh'ing at the sight. I giggled as I let go and rubbed away the sleepiness in my eyes.

"What are you three 'ooh'ing about?" I asked and they giggled. One of the girls- names were Maria. The two others were Sarah and Jane. Sarah replied, "You and Mr. Eclipse are really cute!!" She squealed as the other two squealed as well.

I looked at Eclipse and he has a big goofy smile and he was blushing like crazy. He was fiddling with his fingers and tapping his foot on the ground non-stop. I laughed a little and he blushed even more. "Mr. Eclipse, are you sick?" Sarah asks. I chuckle and reply, "No, little ones, he's just bluuushing~"

All three girls squealed again and all started going crazy over Eclipse. They all found ways to tease Eclipse and he couldn't control himself. His rays spun around and he tapped his foot faster. It was adorable, honestly. I'm sure if he had a tail, it would be flicking around like crazy right now.

I decided to be nice and stop the girls before they could make him overheat. I patted his back and he still blushed. I chuckled and I made sure no one was looking, just so I could kiss his cheek. He squeaked and covered his face. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

He whined, "Stooooop!" I giggled and right after, Moon flew down but he kept his wire on. He moved his legs over Eclipse's shoulders to sit on them. Eclipse caught on with what Moon was doing and he held onto his legs so he wouldn't fall. "What have you two been doing?" Moon asks.

I shrug my shoulders and sit down. Soon, a little boy comes running up to me, then pounces on me. "Oh! Hey, little one!" I smile and he just giggles non-stop. "I saw you kiss Eclipse!!" The little boy shouts. I blush and so does Eclipse.

"H-How did you see th-that, Sunbeam?" I chuckle nervously. He says, "I was watching. Adorable dummy." I look at him, confused on what he said. "What was that?" I ask. He just giggles and runs off to play with his friends. I laugh and stand back up.

"Alright, I'm gonna go play with some of the kids! See ya, Moony! See ya, Clipsy!" I wave and I run off to watch over the children closer and play with them.

~{ Moon's POV }~

I smile as Sun runs away and I get off of Eclipse's shoulders. I decided to take a nap because I was extremely tired for some reason. "Sorry, I'm gonna take a nap. I'm just exhausted!" I say as I give Eclipe a hug and use my wire to fly up to our room and sleep.

-[ Time Skip ]-
~{ Sun's POV }~

About 2 hours later from playing with the kids, I decide to go look for Eclipse. I walked around the Daycare until I start hearing some laughing and...Crying? I quickly run to the sound, but I stay out of sight from the scene...

A boy, who was named Will, hit Eclipse and was laughing at him. I continued watching in shock and noticed Will grabbed some scissors and cut Eclipse's arm, close to his wrist...I gasp and quickly run over to them and snatch the scissors out of his hand. "Excuse me, this is very inappropriate behavior! You should not be hurting someone, especially one of your caretakers! You are going to time out, I'll be informing your parents, and you are banned from here for 3 days!" I shout and drag him to the timeout corner. Of course, I'm not going to kick him out right now, but I will have to tell his mother.

I walk back over to Eclipse, still mad about what had happened to him. I toss the scissors onto the security desk which was close to where the scene was. I grab his arm, which was his lower arm, and see a pit of paint scratched off, and a small dot of oil. I gently take him over to the security desk and instruct him to sit on the desk. He does so, and I grab some bandages. I step back over to him and carefully wrap the scratch with the bandage.

He winces as I almost finish. I notice tears were forming in his eyes and he begins crying uncontrollably. "Oh, it's ok! I'm here now, and that boy isn't allowed back until he's nice!" I say, gently rubbing his other arm. He sniffles and wipes some of his tears away. "I-...I didn't know kids could be so m-mean..." He says.

I started feeling really bad for him. He never dealt with anyone like this before so I can see how much this hurt him. Bullies ca really break someone down..."Yeah...I remember my first bully too...It was a little girl named Hailey. She used to cut me too and she would always talk about how I acted and how that was stupid...But, Moon was there and he helped me through it. I still get hurt by bullies to this day, but I've learned to grow a little stronger" I explain. He smiles and leaps into a hug with me. I chuckled and patted his back.

Soon after, Eclipse ran off to play with the other kids happily. As long as he's happy, I am too.

(993 words!! It's a little short but oh well. Also I realize you guys really liked the innocent Eclipse and I'm sorry for making him know- I was WAY too excited for smut with Eclipse, Sun, and Moon. So, again, I'm sorry for that! Well, have a great day/night!!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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