Ch. 43: "Looks like he's disarmed!"

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Haha, Amhpibia Quote from Darcy- Sorry, I just had to-


~{ Moon's POV }~

Things with Monty have been...stressful. He only used to tease me and make fun of me, just to piss me off. He would try telling me that Eclipse and Sun would break up with me. But now, he took it up a notch.

He's started to startle me randomly which made me jump randomly, fall against something, and even hit my head somewhere. Sometimes it'd knock me out. He's also started snipping and cutting my wires. So, sometimes, my limbs would randomly power off. For example, when I was just about to kiss Sun, my neck sorta malfunctioned. It made my head fall creepily. It scared Sun, so he fixed the wires in my neck, which helped. I think he was also worrying that it would scare Eclipse too. But I'm not letting a stupid gator destroy our time together at this different home. It's like a vacation home.

Anyways, I get up and I walk to the kitchen. I grab a box of vanilla wafers. I take out a few and eat them before anything else, my legs lose function, causing me to fall. It created a loud thud. Hopefully that doesn't wake Sun and Eclipse. I don't want my loves waking up because of a stupid cut wire.

Three minutes later, my legs gain control again. I stand up and I walk to the living room. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV. I watch Amhpibia, a Disney show about frogs and a teenage girl, just to occupy me.

A few episodes go by. Randomly, the TV glitches and turns to static. The lights in the living room flicker. I get up quickly and look around to look for what's causing this. That is, before I realize. "Like what I've done to the place~?" I roll my eyes as that grouchy, harsh voice pounds in my head. In reality, if I was mad enough, I could destroy Monty, just like last time. But how could I do that if he's in my head?

I don't respond which seems to make him mad. "Fine, I know what'll make you talk." He says. My legs fall to the floor. He must've disabled my leg functions. He left me there for a minute before my legs pick myself up. But that wasn't from me. My- Well, these legs walk me to the front door. Is Monty controlling them? What the hell is happening?!

These uncontrollable legs kick open the door. They walk me outside, towards the forest in the backyard. As soon as I realize I could get lost, I desperately try to grab anything to stop my legs from walking any further. A tree, a bush, a rock? Nothing worked. Before I know it, I'm deep in the forest, all alone. Well... Almost alone.

"Wooo~! Today is a good day!" Monty exclaims. "Why are we out here?!" I yell. Monty smirks from inside my head. "Well, I can't have you talking about my plans to those so called, 'lovers'!" Monty says. What was that supposed to mean? He finishes walking deeper into the forest and plops me down, leaving my legs unfunctionable. "Why are we out here?" I ask with a tone of annoyance. He doesn't answer.

After a few seconds of silence, I lose touch in my right arm. I look at my arm in confusion before it moves to my left arm. Monty must be controlling my arm too. He uses my hand to grip my right arm. The grip gets tighter slowly. It starts to get painful. I hold in groans before he suddenly tugs! It was enough to make me gasp. "Oh, you don't like that, huh~?" Monty growls. "Sh-Shut up!" I yell. He goes silent.

Again, a few seconds of silence goes by again. Then, he tugs my arm again, but harder. It starts to hurt. But this time, he doesn't stop pulling..Wait...Is he-? Oh no...


I scream while trying to stay quiet, biting my lip. My arm lied on the floor as oil spurted from my no-arm-shoulder. He had ripped my arm off...The pain coursed through my body as oil spilled. I can't help but have tears streaming down my eyes from the pain. The stress, pain, and oil-loss gets my head hazy. I hear Monty laughing before I feel my body hit the ground. Everything goes black...


Finally, a chapter!! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting on here, I have lots of other mini-projects I'm working on all at the same time- But enjoy!

Word Count: 780

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