Ch. 59: Nightmares

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~{ No One's POV }~

The hospital was particularly busy today. For some reason, there's been 20 whole new patients in only 5 hours. There had been houses being burned down, car wrecks, people almost drowning and people having severe injuries. No one knew who was causing all of this but by now, it was getting bad. There's even been missing children cases. The whole town was starting to freak out and create more drastic measures to keep their families safe.

Moon had been in the nursery with Solice, playing with her and passing the time with silly games. It's already been about 4 days in the hospital, probably a week by now. But he had to be careful of his I injuries though. Right now, they were playing a game of 'Restaurant' with the small plastic house painted to look like a mini restaurant. Moon was the customer and Solice was on the other side of the house that was painted to look like a kitchen. She used a toy plate and toy food to give Moon a proper stay at a restaurant. The two enjoyed the game and had fun. They had already spent hours in the nursery, the time becoming 3 PM.

Wendy walked in and found Moon and Solice laughing and playing. "Hey, some nurses wanna do a little check-up on you, Moon," She said. Moon looked up at her and nodded, standing up carefully. Solice got up with him as Moon walked to the door. Solice followed him quickly but Moon stopped her. "No sweetheart, stay in here, ok? I'll be back in a little bit," Moon said. Solice whined and grabbed his pants. "Nooo! I want you Papa!!.. don't weave.." She whined. "I know dear, but I promise it won't take long, I'll be back before you know it," Moon replied. She hugged his leg and tried forcing herself to cry. "Don't weave!.." She cried. Moon smiled and picked her up, being careful of his leg. "Papa will only be gone for 5 minutes at least, ok? It's not that long," Moon said. She suddenly started wailing, crying loudly without tears. Moon jumped slightly but sighed and held her close. "Ok ok, you can come with me," He said, finally giving in. Solice almost instantly felt better, not even having to wipe any tears considering there weren't any. She was a little trickster for sure.

Moon walked out of the nursery with Wendy, who helped Moon walk due to his leg. They walked back to the room and Moon sat down on the bed. He set Solice down beside him. She only crawled back into his lap. He smiled in response as a nurse walked in. She looked up from her clipboard, surprised to see Solice. "Sir I'm gonna need you to move the child please," The nurse said politely. Moon nodded and set Solice on the bed. She went to crawl back into his lap but he stopped her. In response, she pouted and crossed her arms. Moon chuckled as the nurse walked up to them. She put on her gloves and starting checking Moon. She checked his eyes, his mouth, his reflexes and his eyesight. All seemed good. "Alright, thank you Moon. Here," The nurse handed him a bottle of pills. "These are painkillers, they should help if your leg or any other injuries start hurting." Moon nodded and took the bottle. "Thank you," He said. She nodded and left the room.

Solice crawls back into Moon's lap. Moon smiled and pets her head. He started thinking for the millionth time though. He wondered about his boyfriends and his friends. He sighed and laid back on the bed. He closed his eyes before hearing that familiar voice. He groaned and went to open his eyes but–

"Wait." Moon sighed and kept his eyes closed. "What?" Moon said in his head. There was already enough going on, he didn't need this sadistic bitch to annoy him. "You're getting boring. You've been so depressing and sad all the time, it's tiring," Monty said. "So what? Since when did you care about my feelings?" Moon said, having this annoying conversation in his own conscious, everyone else in the room being oblivious to it. "Well it's annoying to like someone who won't think about anything else other than death and two pricks no one gives a shit about," Monty complained. "If I didn't give a shit about them, why would I be depressed?" "Well maybe acknowledge that you're old life isn’t coming back for you. They're gone and it's not even my doing! A favor done, if you ask me," Monty smirked. "Oh shut up. You only want sex. A stupid life goal, if you ask me," Moon mocked. "Well it's not like I have any other option. I'm stuck in your body. It'd be better if it was my own actual body stuck in yours but it's far from that point now," Monty joked. Moon sighed and opened his eyes, ignoring the gator. "What a pervert he is.." Moon thought to himself. "I can read your thoughts, dumbass!" Monty yelled from in his head. Moon groaned aloud and sat up, fully ignoring the gator now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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