Ch. 7: Not So Sweet Dreams

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No One's Pov:
The time on Sun and Moon's clock said 2:27 AM. Moon was peacefully sleeping..Unlike his Sunny. He was shaking and crying. He was still asleep until he woke up with a loud scream. It woke Moon up too. Sun shot up from his laying position and so did Moon.

Moon: "Sun?! What's wrong?!"

Moon yelled and put his hands on Sun's shoulders as he started to break down. Sun launched into a hug with Moon, crying uncontrollably. Moon rubbed Sun's back as Sun kept crying. He was saying something like "Don't leave me!" And "Please!" A couple other things he said too and with each word he got more and more upset.

Sun's Nightmare Pov:
(Trust me on this one)

Sun was lying in a huge empty forest. He woke up to feel the rough and pokey grass underneath him. This made him uncomfortable, but he slowly stood up and walked around. He was trying to figure out what we're his surroundings and where he was. Every so often though, he'd hear small voices saying "Run!" Or "Hide!"
It got to the point where the voices were so loud, Sun got from uncomfortable to scared. Sun tried calling out for Moon but found it hard to say anything. After multiple tries, he was able to yell out Moon's name. After that, a huge SWOOSH sound flew over everything around him. After it left, everything was pitch black. The only thing Sun could see was one white pair of eyes. This scared Sun even more and has him start running the other direction. But, the eyes got bigger and some got smaller. All of them, though...All of them were pointed directly at Sun. The poor boy was horrified now. He screamed out in his sleep.


He began to feel things crawling up him from his toes to his chest. He continued to scream until his real self started to cry. Still in Sun's dream, he saw..He saw Moon! But something was wrong...Moon didn't run up to Sun to save him, ask if he was ok, or anything he normally would do! Sun called out Moon's name but that only lit the one eye of his that was red.
(I color Moon's eyes with blue and red)

The Dream Moon slowly and creepily walked up to Sun. He saw Moon smile right before Dream Moon punched his face. Sun didn't care about the physical pain..he only cared about Moon right now. He knew something was wrong, since he knew Moon would never hurt him on purpose. The Dream Moon started to speak.

Dream Moon: "Such a pretty thing~ Too bad you're gonna stay here for the rest of your pathetic life~ Have fun~"

The Dream Moon punched Sun again and faded away. This left Sun screaming for him to come back. He tried running but everything that was crawling up him trned into chains. Soon, all his loved ones appeared around him. All of them were much bigger than him. And all we're staring at him, while laughing. The only one he was really hurt by was that Dream Moon. He was a part of all of this and was laughing along at him. Sun finally had relief when he noticed everything popping away. (When he woke up ofc)

No One's Pov:

Sun just lied there, still crying in Moon's grasp. Moon rubbed his back and it helped Sun. He help onto Moon as hard as he could. He didn't want Moon to leave him like he did in the nightmare. Moon waited until Sun calmed down a little to say something.

Moon: "See..? Everything is alright, now. I'm here..."

Sun wiped his tears a bit and looked up at Moon.

Sun: "M-Moony..? Are you..*sniff* Are you going to leave me..?"

Moon was shocked by this. He guessed this is what his nightmare was about since he asked that. Moon pulled Sun closer and answered reassuringly.

Moon: "No no, darling. Never! I'll never leave you...I'll always be here for you. No matter what..."

Sun started to cry again, the thought of Moon leaving again being too hurtful. But he was also happy Moon was going to be with him his entire life.

Sun: "Th-Thank you..."

Moon: "No problem, Sunshine.."

Moon continued to rub Sun's back as he quickly calmed down again. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at Moon. He tugged his shirt a bit to get his attention.

Moon: "Hmm?"

Sun: "C-Can I get kisses..?"

Sun blushed as Moon looked at him with the most soft and loving look. Moon nodded his head and pulled Sun on top of him to lay down. He pulled both of them down and gently started kissing Sun's face. He started at his forehead and went down to his cheek. Then, he went to Sun's lips. He softly kissed him as Sun melted into the soft, loving care Moon was giving him. Sun whined a bit at how much he was happy. He felt relieved that he wasn't in that horrible dream anymore. He pushed himself closer to Moon and kissed back. Soon though, Moon released before he could get too comfortable with Sun and start to make out with him. Moon rubbed Sun's back again as he slowly started getting tired.

Sun: "I love you, Moony. Thank you..."

Sun said these last words before he drifted off to a much better sleep than before. Moon kissed Sun's forehead before answering.

Moon: "I love you too, my Sunshine"

(933 WORDS! HAHA! What? I had to give Sun angst too! Anyways, I appreciate how much you guys like this story. I read the comments from time to time and maaaaaayyybeeeee Sun will get revenge on Monty. But! Enjoy this lil angst. Have a good day/night!

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