Ch. 55: Repair

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~{ Sun’s POV }~

      I stood strapped down face to face to Eclipse, I knew this was the end, there's nothing I can do to save them now…not this time. Eclipse raises their hand, I close my eyes waiting to feel pain, but I hear a button pushed instead, a short alarm beeps, my shackles realize.

        I open my eyes and Eclipse still looks as blank as ever. Moon runs over to us, as I stay on the bed. We stay still for a while, till Eclipse's eyes start to glitch, they collapse, their face lands on my crotch, making me flinch. They seem to have shut down. I sit up, but letting Eclipse stay, I begin to pet their rays, knowing when they wake, they won't be happy with their uncontrollable actions.

        I look up at Moon, as we think the same thing, together we pick up Eclipse and walk out the room, We bring him back to the daycare and up to our room. As we go up, we see someone watching over the daycare, but we decided to only focus on caring for our lover for now.

        We sit them on the bed as Moon cuddles with them while I make them some comfort food. I make them some Mac’n’cheese with a side of a bowl of olives, and a cup full of cranberry-watermelon juice. As I'm preparing the tray for them, I hear crying from the bedroom.

~{ Moon's POV }~

        Eclipse starts to power back on and i look down to see them cuddling closer, raping all four of their arms around me. They begin to wake up and look up at me, I smile, but I lose it as I watch them begin to get their memories back. A tear rolls down their face, then another, they suddenly begin sobbing, harder than I've seen them cry, harder than any child in the daycare.

        I begin to snuggle them closer, hugging them tighter. I decided not to say anything, they have a good reason to cry. Sun runs in looking worried carrying a tray of food, he places it on a side table and crawls onto the bed with us. We cuddle together with Eclipse in the middle, we pet their rays and rub their back, we do anything we can to help them, yet we let them cry, it's what they need after all.

        “I want to guess you remember?” Eclipse nods slowly.

“I'm so sorry! I-i-i just wanted to protect you! And i-i-”

“Shhh, it's ok, you didn't have control.”

“I understand if you don't want me to be your lover anymore-”

“OF COURSE WE DO!” exclaimed Sun. “HOW DARE YOU THINK SO LOW OF YOURSELF!” Eclipse runs out of words and just pulls us closer to continue to cry. Sun and I both know that no matter what happens, we will always be together…All THREE of us.

After hours of crying Eclipse calms down, they sit up but stay silent. Sun gets up grabs the try to warm up the Mac’n’cheese, he comes back within a few minutes and puts the tray on their lap. Eclipse slowly begins to eat as we hear a knock on the door. I get up to shoo them away, since Eclipse has had enough. I open the door and see a broken down animatronic. They had big rays like Eclipse, but sharp, and most of them were damaged. Who was this?


Yayy another chapter :D Again by FlareRiver!

Word Count: 587

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