Ch. 49: Liars

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~{ Moon's POV }~

"Hey! Will you shut up?!" One of the officers yell. It was about...2 AM I think? I stayed up trying to figure out how I'm gonna prove myself innocent, how I'll talk to Sun, Eclipse, and Solice, how I'm gonna take care of myself, and how I'm gonna get back home. Anyways, I roll my eyes and lay on the hard, uncomfortable bed. It's one thing to not have a good bed, but to not cuddle Eclipse and Sun? It's like torture! I hold the pillow as the officer kicks the bars to the cell before walking away.

The next morning, I open my eyes and see a large arm over my head. I look up and see the same officer from last night grabbing the back of my shirt and yanking me up. I push him back and sit on the bed. "What the he-" He cuts me off with a slap across my face. "Do not speak unless spoken to! Breakfast is in 10 minutes." The officer explains before he suddenly yanks me up. He digs through my pockets and he even stuffs his hand into my shirt! "Hey, back off!" I growl before pushing him away. He slaps my face again. "What did I tell you?! Stay quiet." He demands. The officer pushes me back against the bed and cuffs my hands to the bed post. "What is this for?!"

This time, he just slams his stick against the side of the bed, making me flinch. "Do you not understand what stay quiet means?! You're nothing but a freak. And you already act like one, so I'm gonna treat you like one." I can't help but feel a sting from those words. How one little step to a child would make them scream... How those beautiful blue eyes of my love stared at me in disappointment... How one murder of an absolute bitch almost ruined our relationship...

"Perfect. Already submissive," The officer snarks before he slams the stick against the bed again. I flinched again and scooted to the side. I realize now that with this officer, things will not go well for me...

The officer strikes down his stick yet again, this time closer. "Q-Quit it, or I-I'll-" He slams the stick down on my leg. I bite back a yell as a bruise immediately remains at the spot. He hits the spot for about 3 more times, each causing a flinch, yelp, or growl. After he pulls away the stick, I finally get a clear view of the damage. It harshly dented the metal, breaking through it, to a crack with oil. I hold back tears with a snarl before the officer pokes me with the stick. I try to thrash the stick away, but he hits my shoulder. I groan in pain before he slams the stick back down onto my leg. I yelp in pain as he suddenly shoves me down to the bed, my hands yanking from the cuffs. He grabs his tazer and zaps me with it, causing a glitched scream to escape before everything goes dark.

My eyes slowly open. I slowly move my hands to my face and groan. The pain still stung through my body. I sit up and look at the time. It's already past breakfast. I look up and see a lady officer. I limp to her and tap her shoulder through the bars. She turns to me. "M-Miss..?" I mumble. She hums in confusion as her eyes travel to the wounds on me. The red hand marks on him face, the large dent and crack in my leg and the dent in my arm all showing.

"Yes, sir?..." She seems hesitant with her words. "D-Do you know any o-officer with brown hair and dark eyes?.. And mixed skin?.." I ask, describing the officer from earlier. My voice was a bit raspy from my screams earlier. "Uhhm... Yes, that's Jacob," She replies. I nod. "P-Please tell someone about him...H-He hurt me.." I explain as she looks at me, dumbfounded. "Excuse me? But...Jacob has always been kind to prisoners. Never hurt a single one. Maybe you just were seeing him instead of the real person who hurt you," She says. How can't she believe me?

"B-But I know he did! I-I saw it the whole time!" I yell desperately. If I'm gonna be stuck here, I don't want to be here with a guy who's abusive that no one believes. "Sir...I highly doubt he hurt you..." She says. "B-But you see the wounds! H-He really did hurt me!.." I yell back. She flinches. She reaches for her walkie talkie. "M-Miss, please don't.." I whine. She seems hesitant but stops. She sighs and just walks away.

This is gonna be a long while...


Have angst >:]

Word Count: 818

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