Ch. 9: Toxic Backstory

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~{ Sun's POV }~

I stood there in shock as Monty shouted and gripped harder on my shoulders.


He said it...He really had to remind me a part of my life I despiretley wanted to forget...

~{ Backstory }~

Monty and I have been close friends for a while now, and I began to feel stronger feelings for him. So, on one fateful day, I asked him out. He answered with a simple sure, but something felt wrong. He wasn't really excited or happy about our new relationship. If anything, he sounded awfully annoyed, but I brushed it off and figured he just wasn't too well with relationships. So, on that night he ordered we should go to the bar, but I didn't really want to.

Monty: "Hey, we're going to the bar. C'mon let's get going"

Sun: "U-Um..I don't really feel the want for any alchohol tonight...Maybe another night..?"

He looked at me, clearly annoyed and angry.

Monty: "You listen to me, idiot! We're going and that's final!"

Sun: "O-..Ok...I mean, a-anything for y-you..!"

I faked a smile even though I felt something was wrong. He didn't really act like he loved me. He just acted like he had full control of me...Which he shouldn't have that power, but I guess that's my fault, since I let him do what he wants with me. I don't like the feeling, but this is my first relationship, so what do I know? He led us to the bar down where DJ Music Man stayed. Once we got there, Monty immedietly ordered 4 cups of beer! I got worried by this since Monty is the type of aggressive person, which could lead to him doing something bad.

Sun: "H-Hey Monty..U-Um maybe you shouldn't d-drink so much of that.."

Monty: "God! Do you ever just shut up?! I'll do what I want! Drink some yourself!"

He handed me one of his ordered beers but I pushed it away.


He shouted at me and shoved the drink towards me. He spilled some of it on me too, but I took a sip even though I didn't want to. He ordered more beer and forced me to pay for it all. He ordered 8 cups of it! He drank 4 of them and was really drunk. I didn't want to deal with him for the rest of the night. So, I left him there while he was trying to succesfully play darts with some of the bots there. I knew he'd yell at me or something in the morning but I didn't care. I decided to go to my room in the daycare where Moon was there, humming "Rises The Moon." He looked at me and waved, and I waved back but didn't say anything. I felt too upset to talk, because I knew that if I did, I would start to cry.

Moon: "Hey, Sun! How was your day?"

I felt bad that I didn't answer him, but I couldn't hold in my tears for much longer. I walked to my room and felt he was following me. When I reached my room, I opened the door but didn't close it, allowing Moon to come inside. Even though I didn't want him to see me upset, I sat on my bed and covered my face with my hands. I felt him sit beside me.

Moon: "Uhm...H-Hey..Are you..ok..?"

He asked me and right there, my heart shattered. I darted into his arms for a hug and started crying. He was shocked, I could tell, but he rubbed my back.

Moon: "What happened, Sun..?"

Sun: "I-I got with M-Monty *hic* t-today, and h-he's a h-horrible *hic* b-boyfriend! H-He got r-really drunk a-and, forced me to d-drink beer and, m-made me p-pay for it *hic* a-all, a-and he d-doesn't even *hic* give me a-affection!"

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