Ch. 29: One Big Leap

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~{ Moon's POV }~

Ugh. This place again. The same vent as last time. So dirty and dusty. Dusty isn't good since I'm trying to be quiet and not be found. That dust makes me sneeze!

Now that I think about it, I miss Sun and Eclipse. I wonder how they're doing actually...I know Sun had dealt with me gone like this but not Eclipse...I hope he's ok...I wish I could see him but I don't wanna go back yet...

Mainly because I'm too scary for Eclipse...I mean, the poor boy watched everything I did...I really hope they're both ok...It's not fair to them...What I've done, they shouldn't have to see that...

I sigh and begin crawling through the vents, getting close to the vent in our room in the Daycare. Once I reached the vent, I peaked through to see Eclipse and Sun. Eclipse was crying on Sun's chest and Sun was too. I heard Eclipse say, "I-I want Moony...C-Can you make him come back..?" Sunny shakes his head and replies, "No, Clipsy. He'll come back when he feels like it, ok?"

Eclipse looks up at Sunny and sits up. "Can I-I have something to eat..?" He asks sweetly. Sunny nods and leaves to our small fridge and pulls out a sandwich. He hands it to Eclipse and he eats it, still crying. I begin crying myself but I wipe away my tears. Sunny sits back down with Eclipse and lays his head on Eclipse's shoulder.

Eclipse lays his head on Sunny's and sighs. He says, "I wish Moony was back..." I begin crying again and crawl away. I eventually get out of the vents and walk to the Daycare. Once I got to the doors, I stopped. I put my hand on the handle but I pull it away. I decide to wait a little longer.

I walk back to the vents and aggressively grip on my wrist. I begin hyperventilating and accidentally begin scratching my wrist. My thumb claw accidently peirces through my metal and I yelp by accident. I look at the pierced part as oil leaks out. I growl and punch the vent in anger, anxiety, and sadness.

Dammit I really hope no one heard that! What the fuck is wrong with me?! God dammit, why am I like this?! I silently curse myself out as I bang my head on the vent walls. "AAAGH!!! I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT!!!" I scream to myself as I begin denting the vent walls. To be honest, I don't even care if I break something. Even if I break myself, it'd probably be better if I was gone...

I only want Sun and Eclipse to be ok. More than ok, if possible...I mean, they have to be much better without me, right? Am I doing the right thing by leaving? Is this hurting them more than it's making them happy?! Am I thinking too much?!?!

No, no. They have to be better without me...I'm a monster...They shouldn't want to be with me at all... "Excuse me. Open the vents immediately." I hear someone say. I opened the vent slowly to see a security bot... "You are supposed to be in the Superstar Daycare. You must come with me back to the Superstar Daycare. It is after hours and you must be in the Superstar Daycare." The bot says. I growl and try slamming the vents closed but the bot stops me.

They grab my arm that's been peirced through and drag me back to the Daycare. I try pulling away and running back into the vents but they're too strong surprisingly. They reach to the Daycare doors and open them. Then, they throw me inside the Daycare and slam the doors shut. "Wait no! Let me out, please!" I yell as I bang on the doors.

I gasp quietly as Sun opens the curtains of our room. I quickly try escaping even harder and notice the net that goes over the whole daycare. Sun quickly jumps down the balcony and runs to me as I leap up and latch onto the net. I begin climbing up, reaching the top.

"Moon, wait!! Please, just wait!' Sun yells. I look down at him, then over to the balcony to see Eclipse standing there, crying. Eclipse wipes his eyes and looks down at the floor. He walks backwards a lot and sighs. Then, he begins running... He leaps off of the balcony, avoiding the ballpit...


Sun and I scream as I leap off the net, hooking to my wire and heading for Eclipse. I quickly grabs him before he can hit the ground. I set him on the floor softly and unhook my wire. "E-Eclipse please...Don't ever, and I mean EVER do that AGAIN!" I shout as I begin crying. He cries harder than before and hugs me tightly.

"Y-You're back!!! I-I've missed you so so much, Moony!" Eclipse yells. I sigh and push him away and cross my arms. "I-I'm sorry Eclipse, but I need more time...I'm not ready to be back yet..." I say quietly as I back up. Sun quickly hugs me, not hearing what I said. I push him to Eclipse and say, "I'm not coming back yet. I'm sorry, but I don't feel ready yet..."

Sun smiles and replies, "That's ok, I'm just happy you're sa-" Sun pauses as he looks at my arm. "Moondrop. What did you do to your arm?" He says firmly. I begin panicking and hide my arm. "N-Nothing for you to worry about! Besides, it doesn't matter..." I reply.

Sun grabs my arm gently and takes me over to the security desk. I jolt a little as Sun sits me down on the desk and pulls out a bandage and a paper towel. He grabs my arm, not saying a word and wipes the oil off of my arm. I wince as the pain dwells across my whole arm. "Why are you doing this, Sun? I-I'm a monster! I don't deserve this! Much less you or Eclipse..." I say.

Sun looks up at me, crying. He replies, "Because we fucking miss you Moon!! And you're not a monster! And it doesn't matter if you deserve us or not! I want you, but I'm not going to keep you here if you need more time!" I gasp quietly as I savor his words as if they were the sweetest candy in the universe...

"I-...I'm so sorry...You don't have to forgive me, just...At least accept my apology..." I say quietly. Sun nods and begins wrapping my arm with the bandage. "I forgive you...I- We just miss you..." Sunny says. I look over at Eclipse to see him crying more. I notice his rays ripped and I gasp quietly. Then, I look back at Sun to see his cheek scratched...

What happened to them..?


(1167 words! Yes, more angst. Sadly, Moony won't be staying. Hehe there's been a lot of close call within these chapters, RIGHT?!!?? Heheheheheehehe
Anyways, have a great day/night!

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