Ch. 57: All Gone

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~{ No One’s POV }~

Sirens wailed down the road swiftly as cars were stopped. The road was blocked up and police scattered around the area, blocking it with caution tape. A few officers led cars to another path to get to their destinations while the others called ambulances and searched the area. Officers’ feet walked over broken glass parts to the two cars. They searched inside the familiar red car, looking for survivors…

-[ Flash Back ]-

Just as Wendy was about to reach the other side of the road—


A blue, dirty car smashed into the side of Wendy's car, catching them all by surprise. They all screamed as Wendy was pushed back to the passenger seat from the force. Moon was thrown back to the window as the glass smashed. Moon grabbed Solice in a quick rush as the car flipped over. The other car didn’t even seem to be broken as badly, but once all movement stopped in a quick few seconds, there was an entire wreck…

-[ Present Time ]-

Police searched the two cars, looking for those who were in the cars. Three searched the red car, and two searched the blue car. A few officers pulled the doors open and looked inside the upside down car. A red/orange haired woman was against the ceiling, a blue and gray moon-themed animatronic was against the other door, with a baby animatronic in his arms. The officers quickly pulled the three out of the car as an ambulance arrived. They pulled out a stretcher and placed the two on one each, as one of the other doctors grabbed the child. Police began cleaning the area as the ambulance drove to the nearest hospital to check for any injuries.

After a few minutes, the ambulance pulled the two stretchers into the hospital and took them both to their own rooms. The doctor with the child followed. Once the doctors laid them on an actual bed, they started checking their pulses. Both had a good pulse and didn’t have too many injuries. The doctors connected heart monitors to them anyway, just in case. After a while, the doctors leave as the day passes slowly.

Hours later, night comes and Moon begins to stir. He groans quietly and sits up, looking around. Soft beeping of the monitor was the only sound except for the sound of the TV playing in a room nearby. He swung his left leg over off of the bed, but when he tried to do the same for the right leg, he instantly hissed in pain and covered his mouth swiftly. He looked down at his legs and saw the right was in a bandage wrap.

He looked at his hand too and saw the same for his index finger. His body moved back in place to sit back down and just looked around the room. He saw Wendy laying on an identical bed next to his. He reached over and tapped her shoulder, but she didn’t wake. A sigh escaped his mouth as he decided not to bother her. He leaned back in the bed and looked at the ceiling. His eyes closed as his body slowly relaxed. Sleep took over him slowly, engulfing him peacefully.

His mind flashed memories in his head throughout his sleep, causing him to toss and turn. Fire burned, sirens blasted loudly, screams shattered the glass, and a familiar face stood in his mind. He quickly opened his eyes with a gasp, his body wanting to sit up in a quick dash, but it was not doing so. He panted and looked around. He was stuck. His body was still unintentionally and he was in fear. He kept looking around at his surroundings. He looked forward, past the curtains of the room he was in. He squinted his eyes as there seemed to be a shadow behind the white fabric. His breath quickened as the shadow moved past the curtain.

The same hair of the guy from the store that hurt Eclipse months ago, fires and burns all along the body of the figure, ashes smoking out with its steps, and broken pieces of glass stabbed deep in the figure, making it a whole bloody and terrifying mess. Moon’s eyes widened even more, fear dreading over his whole body. He couldn’t do anything at all, just as he couldn’t save anyone who might’ve been killed in the fire of the Plex. He laid there, terrified as the figure approached slowly. Moon tried screaming, yelling, crying, but nothing worked. The figure approached faster, static and noises swallowing Moon overwhelmingly. As it got right in front of Moon, he felt his body being shaken. The figure disappeared as Wendy replaced it.

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