Ch. 28: Mistakes

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~{ Eclipse's POV }~

I woke up around 2:00 AM and I knew I should still be asleep. I sighed and tried going back to sleep but, I was already awake too much. I groaned quietly and sat up, my rays flopping down. I looked over at a picture of Sunny, Moony, and me. I felt tears form in my eyes as I looked at the Moony in the picture.

Moony still wasn't back which made me bring my legs close to my chest. I hugged them and cried. I made sure to be quiet though so I wouldn't wake up Sunny. He needs sleep, especially after yesterday...I was so stupid to do that...I should've listened to Sunny...

"Eclipse..?" I hear Sunny ask. I gasp quietly and quickly wipe away my tears. "S-Sunny! I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to wake you..." I say quietly. Sunny rubs his eyes and sits up, looking at my face closely. "Eclipse, were you crying?" He asks. I freeze still, then shake my head. "N-No, my eyes were just b-burning to where they started w-watering!" I say quickly.

But Sunny didn't buy my fibs. "It isn't good to lie, Clipsy. Now tell me why you were crying" Sunny says sweetly yet firmly. I sniffle and quickly hug his waist, crying more. "I-I miss Moony!!" I shout. Sunny rubs my back and pets my head, sighing. I start worrying that I'm being a bother to him...

"Don't worry, you're not the only one...I miss him too..." Sunny whispers. I cry harder, gripping onto the blankets. "W-Why did he leave..?" I ask quietly. Sunny sighs again and replies, "He...He's upset with himself...Probably hurting himself again too...It's cause he hates when he hurts someone, even though he can't control it..." I look up at Sunny and I see he's crying too. "When will he come back..?" I ask.

Sunny shrugs his shoulders and says, "I'm not sure...I guess whenever he feels like it..." I sniffle and get up, wiping my tears away again. "I'm gonna go find him..." I say as I begin walking to the balcony. Sunny quickly grabs one of my arms and pulls me back. "Eclipse, don't. He won't like it if you go look for him. Just wait, ok?" Sunny says as he makes me sit back down on our bed.

I sniffle and begin crying again. "B-But I want him back now! I-I want Moony back!!" I yell as I lay down and hug a pillow. Sunny sits down beside me and rubs my back again. "We both do, Clipsy. This isn't the first time he's left, trust me...Luckily, he was only gone for a day last time. But now, he might be gone longer..." Sunny says.

I get up and push his hand away and throw the pillow across the room. "AAGH!! WHY WON'T HE COME BACK?!" I scream. Sunny holds my arm softly and says calmly, "C-Clipsy, calm down, ok? He'll be back, just not yet!" I grip onto my rays and accidentally rip one a little. Sunny quickly pulls my arm away that ripped my ray.

"Eclipse! Stop! You're gonna hurt yourself!" Sunny says. I yell back, "I DON'T CARE! I WANT MOONY!!!" Sunny breathes heavily and grabs a rope, trying to tie my hands together. I rip my hands away, accidently scratching...Sunny's...face...He holds his face and winces, shaking and his rays going inwards.

"I-I'm- I'm sorry- I just- I-I-I'm so sorry...I-" I stutter a lot and fall to the floor. "E-Eclipse, it's ok..! I-I'm ok! Don't worry, it w-was an accident..!" Sunny says crying, reaching for me. I quickly back away and cry hard. "N-No! I-I'm dangerous!! I-I- Y-You shouldn't be n-near me!!" I cry as I back up to the wall and rip another ray by accident.

"Eclipse, please stop! Y-You're hurting yourself!" Sunny says, crawling to me slowly. I begin hyperventilating and put my hands on the floor. Sunny smiles softly and takes my hands in his. He says softly, "I'm here. You're ok. It was an accident, ok? You need to understand that, just like Moony does...Please, don't ever hurt yourself again..." I sniffle and hold his face softly, looking at the mark on his cheek.

I tear up more and say, "I'm sorry...Oh, you must hate me now..." I pull my hands away and cry more. Sunny gasps quietly and says, "Hate you? No, no! I could never hate you, Eclipse! I love you! You're the sweetest person who has ever set foot in this Daycare! Don't ever say that again!" I tear up more and cry again. Sunny gently hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Are you feeling a little better now?" Sunny asks. I nod a little and hug him back. "I-I love you too, Sunny...I'm so sorry..." I say. Sunny smiles and kisses me passionately. I smile in the kiss and waited for him to pull away. Finally, Sunny did pull away and he smiles. I smile back and pick him up with ease. He squeaks and holds on to me tightly as I walk to our bed.

I sit him down on our bed and walk away to grab a rag, some ice, a bandage and a sticker. Shush, the sticker is for him behaving well after treating him!! I walk back over to him with the supplies but he shakes his head. "No need to do that, Clipsy. I'm fine" Sunny says. I huff and wrap the rag around the bag of ice before gently placing it on his scratch.

I got a paper towel as well to wipe off the bit of black liquid that leaked from his scratch. Sunny smiles as I pull the ice and paper towel away and take out the band-aid. I gently peal open the paper around it and gently place the band-aid on Sunny's scratch. Once I'm finished, I kiss over the band-aid softly and begin cleaning up the supplies I brought out.

"Thank you, Clipsy. But you didn't have to do that" Sunny says softly and sweetly. I reply, "I know, but I did that, so I'm gonna fix it. My mistake, my responsi- respen- rinspenpobibily?! Aw I can't say it! You know what I mean!" Sunny laughs, hearing my troubles in saying a word I can't pronounce. I'm still learning, ok?! It's diffi- derfu- diffificugilt!! Aaw jeez, c'mon!!!

I playfully push Sunny down, making him lay down. I jump on him and lay my head on his chest, laying on him fully. "Don't laugh at me, meanie!" I say. Sunny's laughs fade into giggles, and those giggles fade into chuckles, and those chuckles fade into soft breathing. I smile on more time before yawning and passing out almost immediately after...


(1161 words! I'm in an angsty mood, so there's Eclipse angst now! Mwahahaha!!! The poor baby omg- Anywaaayyyysssss...
Have a great day/night!

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