Ch. 26: Gone Again

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(imnotasimp22 Your chapter with yandere Moon ^^)


~{ Moon's POV }~

I feel hands go on my waist as those hands begin pulling me away from Lily. Whoever it was, was successfully pulling me away, but I gripped on Lily's hand harder. Whoever it was pulled me enough to pull me away, causing me to rip off her hand. She screams as I hold her hand in mine...

The person dropped me and I soon realized it was Eclipse. Out of reflex, I punch his face, only realizing my mistake after I already did it...I drop Lily's hand and quickly stand up and reach for Eclipse, but I'm stopped by Sun. "No! Leave him alone!" Sun yells. Uncontrollable tears begin flooding from my eyes as I look at everything I've done...

A bruised Eclipse, a missing hand Lily, a bleeding Will, crying children, and worst of all, the trust of the two people I love...Gone...I fall on my knees and look at the blood on my hands and begin hyperventilating. I run out of the Daycare, hearing Eclipse yell, "Moon!! Come back, please!!!"

I cry harder as I run into a vent and close it shut, silently cursing myself out...

~{ Sun's POV }~

I watch as Moon runs out of the Daycare. I begin crying and I hold Eclipse close as he cries too. I soon hear an alarm go off and an announcement across the daycare. "Fazbear Entertainment apologizes for this interruption. The Daycare is now closed due to certain reasons. If you have left your child in the Daycare, please come collect them immediately. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your stay ar Freddy Fazbear's!" The intercom digitally says.

I get up and gather all the children and take them to the pick-up area. Their parents soon all arrive and all of the children finally leave. I sigh and go back to the Daycare. 'Why this again?' I think to myself. I look around to see that Lily had passed out and her son was still bleeding.

I look around and I couldn't see Eclipse anywhere...I go up to our room, still crying and hear faint sobbing under our bed. I immediately know that Eclipse is under there and I sit on top of it. "Do you want me to comfort you, Clipsy?" I say quietly. Eclipse crawls out from under the bed and sits in my lap, crying an awful lot.

I hug him and cry harder, rubbing his back. "W-Why did he leave..? Is h-he coming back?! D-Does he hate u-us now...?" Eclipse cries. I wipe away some of his tears and shake my head and cup his face. "No, no! I'm sure he'll be back..." I reply. Eclipse cries more and gets up. "Can we go look for him..?" He asks. I sigh and shake my head and sit him back down, this time on the bed.

"He needs space right now...This isn't the first time he's done this...He came back but he was gone for a day before he did..." I say quietly. Eclipse sobs and lays down and hugs a pillow tightly. "I don't w-wanna lose him!" He yells muffled. I lay beside him and reply, "I-I know, I don't either..." I softly hug him and he immediately hugs back. After a while, we both cry ourselves to sleep...



(571 words! It's short, also I'm sorry for posting half the next chapter in this one- So I fixed it! Welp, have a great day/night! Byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~!!!!!!!!)

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