Ch. 45: Wendy's Gift

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~{ Wendy's POV }~

     I led the three boys outside to my car. This poor little one has been so excited for them... I walk to my car and place my hand on the back door handle. "You boys ready?" I say with a smile. They nod as Eclipse seems excited the most. Which is exactly perfect.

     I slowly open the door...I gently take her hand, small and sweet, with her sleeve covering her small fingers. She slowly steps her foot on the cold grass, her socks placing on the ground. Slow and steady, comes the next leg. Then, the little hop off of the car seat...Her sweet little white and cyan eyes look up at Sun, Moon, and Eclipse...

     Sun and Moon have tears in their eyes, not sad tears but tears of joy, with their hands collided tightly. Eclipse's eyes sparkle and their rays glow brightly, their tail swishing swiftly. This sweet little child meeting their eyes. This is just the most beautiful sight ever. "Boys...This...This is Solice," I say quietly...

     The little girl looks up at the three boys, with an innocent look. Solice stares...Her hood with little spikes to mimic a dinosaur, her little white shorts, and her sweet socks have been her outfit a lot. Her little tail with the bell at the end stayed to the ground, her orange and pastel pink face keeping the same staring face, and her little yellow and light cyan legs being small and stubby.

     Moon looks at me, his eyes still with tears. "I-Is..Is this r-really...O-Our..." He doesn't finish his sentence. But I smile and nod. "She's all of yours..." I say. Sun and Moon share a glance before Moon smiles and picks up Sun, spinning him around, laughing. Eclipse jumps to them, picking them both up. Those three boys just squeal and cry, looking happier than ever...

~{ Sun's POV }~

     I can't believe it! After all of our dreams, we finally have our own child!! "M-Moony, Clipsy, th-this is amazing!!" I squeal. Moon laughs and kisses me, then kisses Eclipse. Moon and I had dreamt of having a kid for ages. We were always wondering how it'd happen, and we had even asked Wendy about it once before.

~{ Moon's POV}~

     Finally, everything is perfect! I finally have a child with my two favorite people in the world! Sun cheers before I kiss him, then kiss Eclipse. This was the third best day of my life. The first was getting with Sun, second getting with Eclipse, and now the third best day is today!

~{ Eclipse's POV}~

     I squealed happily. Sunny and Moony had talked about having a kid and it made them so happy. I figured if this was as good as they made it sound, then it must be even better in reality! I have always wondered what it'd be like to be a parental figure!

~{ No One's POV }~

     The three boys were overjoyed. But it was time for them to pay their focus to Solice, their now child. Wendy spoke up, "She's why I had to keep going outside. This was for one main reason, since Eclipse has been getting shy around the kids, or having trouble taking care of them on their own. So, I figured that a kid of your own would help you tremendously! And for the main purpose that you boys have dreamt of it for a while. Also, Solice has the knowledge of a toddler. And don't worry about birthdays, I've got that figured out. I was thinking every year on Solice's birthday, I could upgrade her to the proper age! How does that sound?"

     The three boys nod excitedly. "Great! Now, c'mon! Solice needs to know and love you guys to live with you!" Wendy says. They nod. "So, Solice. Choose one of those three boys to meet first!" Wendy instructs.

     Solice slowly nods. She slowly let's go of Wendy's hand. She slowly stumbles to Sun first. "M-Mama?.." Solice quietly mumbles. Sun puts his hands up to his mouth, tears forming in his eyes again. He kneels down, sitting on his knees. Solice slowly stumbles to him, tripping on the last step. Sun quickly catches her, her small hands placing on his knees for balance. To Solice, Sun looks like a mother figure, rather than a father figure. So, she smiles, and reaches up to him. Sun smiles and gently lifts her up in his hands. Solice softly baps his nose, giggling. Sun's smile grows as a tear rolls down his cheek. Solice squeals and baps the tear away softly. Sun giggles and sets Solice down.

     Solice then waddles over to Moon. "Papa?" She babbles. Moon quickly sits down, just as Sun did. His tears come faster than Sun's, a few already sliding down his warm face. Solice smiles and leans down to put her hands on Moon's thighs. She slowly brings herself onto Moon's legs, now standing on them. She notices Moon's hat with the bell dangling on the end. She grabs it and rings it. Moon chuckles and taps the top spike on her hoodie. She giggles and rings his bell rapidly. Moon stops her after a few seconds, and Solice then sits on Moon's legs. She slides down them as if a slide, onto the cold grass. Sun and Moon get back up, holding onto each other.

     She then travels her way to Eclipse. They seem hesitant, but they slowly kneel down and sit on their legs. Eclipse slowly extends their hands for Solice. She smiles and her tail softly wags. She waddles up their legs, up to Eclipse's body. She then hugs them. "Dada!" She squeaks. Eclipse, surprised, softly hugs her back. They smile too, their rays spinning rapidly. Solice reaches her hands up to Eclipse's rays. So, Eclipse slows down the spinning of their rays to keep them from hurting Solice. She let's her fingers softly flip against Eclipse's slowly spinning rays. Solice then touches the small bottom rays closest to Eclipse's neck, which makes their rays glow brighter. Eclipse softly giggles, and so does Solice. They slowly pick Solice up in their arms. Eclipse slowly stands up, joining Sun and Moon in their little cuddle party. Sun, Moon, and Eclipse hold onto one another, all of them holding Solice lovingly in the middle of them all.

     Wendy watched them all, the four gingerly holding one another. She could tell that the boys had wanted a child desperately together, and to see their dream come true was a beautiful sight. "I'm glad you all are happy," Wendy says with a smile. The three boys thank her dearly. "Oh, and boys? I'll be working on something for you, Moon. To help out with..-" She taps her own head to visibly tell Moon what she's referring to. Moon nods with a smile, happy that he wouldn't be a problem to his family.

     The rest of the night, the boys had spent time with their new daughter, Solice. They learned about each other slowly and with time, it was like the four had lived together for years. They had a good dinner, of ham, macoroni and cheese, and green beans. Then, Sun and Moon arranged where Solice would sleep within a few minutes. They made a small bed beside their own, so Solice would only be a bed away from them. Why doesn't she sleep with the boys? Well, they all cuddle in their sleep. Sun kicks, Moon cuddles, and Eclipse rolls. So, they figured it'd be best if Solice didn't sleep in the same bed with them so she wouldn't get hurt.

     At the end of the day, at 11:35 PM, the three boys tucked in Solice. Each giving a kiss on her forehead. They stayed awake until Star fell asleep, just to make sure everything was okay. Then, the three layed down and cuddled up to each other, with Eclipse in the middle. Soon, sleep arose over them and their eyes closed.


Yaayyy, a new chapter! Welcome, Solice! :D

Word Count: 1345

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