Ch. 56: Terrors

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~{ Moon’s POV }~

I stare at the anonymous animatronic in confusion. Who was this? Why were they here? Why do they look like Eclipse? Questions raced through my artificial intelligence mind as I continued staring. Their body was broken beyond any repair I believe could be fixed. They stared back, simple small white pupils stared into mine. Their leg was gauged open and the metal was jagged. Their chest plate was ripped off and their endoskeleton, wires, and dried oil was clear to anyone’s eyes. Their face was pitch black, as if the universe lied on their face.

“Where is Eclipse?”

They ask. I freeze. How do they know Eclipse? A shiver runs down my spine as an anxious feeling pools in my mechanical stomach. “They’re busy. Why do you need them?” I murmured. Their rays twitch, basically shining in the light due to the sharpness. My eyes travel down and notice the sharp knife and rope in their two sets of hands, just like Eclipse’s sets.

“I must have a word with them. Where are they?”

Their voice snarls aggressively. I decide to keep my ground, rather than standing weak. “They don’t feel well, they’re not ready for visitors. You can tell me what you want to say to them and I’ll tell them though,” I state strictly and firmly. The animatronic didn’t seem to like that. They pounced at me suddenly, ramming me into the ground. I’m glad the floor has a carpet instead of the normal tile floor, at least.

Their arms grab each of my limbs, the top set holding down my arms and the lower set holding down my legs. “Hey! I told you they’re busy, deal with it and move on!” I shout. They raise their knife up high and my eyes widen. Sun and Eclipse were probably busy with each other to not hear any of this, which I’d say is good because they don’t need to be hurt by this…lunatic.

They raise the knife higher, ready to strike. I attempt to squirm my way out but they hold me tight. Before I know it, they strike the knife down deep into my side. I bite my lip hard to keep the scream of pain down so I won’t alert anyone. I end up biting through my lip as well as oil stains my mouth. I snarl quietly before they deepen the knife. I hiss and inhale sharply, my leg twitching. I breathe heavily. “G-Get…off of me..Now.” I promptly snarl again before the animatronic slowly pulls the knife out. There was a hole in the knife that made three parts sharp, rather than the tip, making it pull hard on my wires. It ripped through the outer material of the wires and the insides as well. It sent small sparks and shocks due to the open electricity connecting with my oil. I hiss in pain before they fully rip the knife out in one quick yank. I flinch and hiss again.

“You have 3 days to bring me Eclipse. Do not fail this. If you do, there will be consequences.”

I shiver as they get up and release me. They stuff the knife into their pocket before getting up. They hop down into the daycare as I watch them leave. I take a deep breath and stand up, my body shaking along with me. I take off my shirt and wrap it around my waist before sighing. I wonder what that person wanted. They didn’t need to stab me to get their point across at least. Now, Sun and Eclipse are gonna wonder what the hell I keep going to the bathroom for. I get up and quickly make my way to the bathroom silently. I hear Sun’s voice. “Hey Moony, who was at the door?”

I didn’t answer as I closed the door to the bathroom and set my shirt aside. I open the cabinet door and look through to see what we have. Some vitamins, bandaids, tooth brushes, tooth paste, scissors, a few razors for whatever reason, baby powder, some bottles of anti pain medicine, melatonin, a bag of my candies, some bandage wraps, and cleaning products. I grab a pack of baby wipes and the bandage wraps. I wipe the oil with the baby wipe and hiss in pain quietly. The baby wipe is thrown away as I open the box of bandage wraps. I carefully wrap the bandage around my stomach. Another hiss escapes my mouth. I sigh and open the door a bit. “Sunny, can you grab me a new shirt?” I ask. The sounds of the bed creaking and soft steps gently fill the rooms. In seconds, a yellow hand sneaks through the door with a shirt, clutched in the fingers. “Thank you dear,” I grab the shirt and pull it back. But Sunny’s grip doesn’t loosen. I tug again gently. “Sunny?” I ask, my voice tinting with confusion. He suddenly yanks me forward with the shirt that we held. I yelp as he catches me in one hand and I fall onto his chest. “Why are you hiding, Moony? You know you can tell us anything,” Sun speaks with some of that parental firm he uses with the kids. “I-I know, I just needed to do something,” I reply. I could hear the tension in my voice…

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