Ch. 42: Hiding

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~{ Sun's POV }~

     I notice how Moon has grown...distant from me and Eclipse... I think I know why, but he knows we can trust him no matter what! So, why not tell us what's wrong? "Moon! Where are you?" I call out without any sign of him anywhere! I look to my left to see Eclipse scratching at their face, again... It's become a habit for them to scratch at themselves when they get anxious, scared, nervous, or angrily too focused. I immediately run to them and take their hand off of their face before they can scratch more. The paint is even peeling off already!

     "Eclipse, what did I say about scratching?" I ask sternly in a concerned tone. "I'm sorry, I can't help it!" They respond. I sigh and say, "I know, but try not to do it again. Okay?" They nod in response and they softly rub the back of their hand. Gladly, not scratching anymore. I give them a kiss on the cheek before I continue my search for Moon.

     Nowhere to be found, and it's been an hour! "Moon, come on out!" I yell. I hear a quiet thud as if someone had hit something. It came from the bathroom, so I walked in. I see the curtain of the shower is covering the tub. So, I move aside the curtain to find Moon laying in the tub as oil spurted out of his head. "Moony! What happened?!" I yell as I pick him up. Turns out, he was crying. I sit on the walls of the tub as I place Moon in my lap. I grab a bit of toilet paper to wipe the oil away. Small whimpers and winces come from him. So, to help his pain, I kiss his forehead.

     "Moon, can you tell me what happened..?" I ask. He shakes his head...

~{ Moon's POV }~

     Sun asks if I can tell him what happened. Oh, how I wish I could. How I wish to beg, plead, and cry to him. I want to let this out, let this monster out. But, he won't leave. And to make things worse, he turned off my voice box. Monty, the stupid bitch, had blocked my only way of talking to Sun. I wanted to scream to Sun to tell him what happened, but it'd only worry him if only my mouth moved with silent pleases. His voice echoes in my head...

     "Well, what will you tell him~? Oh, that's right- You can't tell him anything!" Monty laughs. His dreaded voice causes me to grip the cotton ball on my hat. Monty teases me by laughing louder, just to annoy me. My grip tightens, threatening to rip the cotton ball. Then, I feel a hand placed on top of mine. His soft, yellow fingers guide my hand away from the small ball that almost got torn apart. "Moony, calm down. It's okay, I'm here. Ignore him, alright?" Sun says. He must've known it was Monty causing problems. I nod with no verbal response.

     Monty's dreaded cackles and choked chuckles are drown out by Sun's soft humming that echoed deep into my audio recievers. Oh, how that wonderful voice soothed all of my worries away. Those who made Sun gave him an incredible voice box.

     "There, much better, hm?" Sun asks quietly. I nod with a soft smile. Sun returns the smile as he rubs my back while giving sweet, cherry kisses around my face. Before I know it, I'm lifted into the air as Sun had picked me up. He walk us to the living room. There, Eclipse is scratching at their face again. Sun sighs and sets me on the couch before walking to Eclipse and gently taking their hands into his. "Eclipse, I told you not to." Sun says sternly as he grabs two pairs of gloves from the table. He slides them onto Eclipse's hands to block his path of scratching. Sun ties the gloves to their hands with a rubber band. "Once you stop scratching, I'll take them off of you. Okay?" Sun informs Eclipse. They nod.

     We all go to the kitchen so Sun can bandage up Eclipse's scratches and so he can make dinner. I sit on the counter as Sun grabs two boxes of different designed band-aids. One of mini dinosaurs and the other of Hello Kitty. "Which one would you like?" Sun asks Eclipse. They reply, "Hello Kitty, please!" Sun nods with a smile. So, he opens the box and takes out multiple band-aids. Then, he places them on every single scratch. After that, Sun places a dinosaur band-aid onto each of our noses. Eclipse giggles happily as I chuckle.

     Sun places soft kisses onto each of our cheeks before stepping to the pots. He grabs a pot and starts to pour water into it. I wonder what he'll make for dinner tonight.

    After 30 minutes, Sun finished cooking. He had made macaroni and cheese. Now, I must say, however Sun makes food is always so much better than normal food. We eat our food all together while watching random shows on TV. Sun sits on the couch and Eclipse sits on the floor in front of him. And me? I sit on Eclipse's shoulders while laying my back on Sun. After we finished eating, Sun got up to make a surprise desert. It takes him around 20 minutes.

     When Eclipse and I looked at what Sun had made for desert, my eyes shot open wide. He made the best desert he's ever made. He had a cake with cut-up strawberries and wipped cream on it, and ice cream on the inside of the cake. He hands both of us a bowl each. "I'm sure you remember this, don't you, Moony?" Sun says smugly. I nod quickly and say, "You made this on our first date! Of course I remember!" Sun chuckles and makes his own bowl of his delicious desert. Eclipse and I had only taken 5 minutes to eat it all. Sun was only halfway through with finishing eating. "How could you eat so slow?! That was amazing!" I yell. I'm completely baffled how he could eat so slow. "It's called patience, darling," He says.

     As soon as Sun finished eating, we all laid down in our shared room. We watched TV to put ourselves asleep. It's so nice to sleep with my two favorite people in the world...


Yaaayyy, another chapter! Now...there'll be a HUGE surprise next chapter >:] Enjoy~!

Word Count: 1092

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