Ch. 38: Flirty Pervert

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~{ Eclipse's POV }~

I looked at the person who seems to be a guy. I back up a little and squeeze the plushie tighter. "Uhm..M-Me and my lovers are here to get food," I mumble under my breath. The guy steps towards me and puts his hands on my waist. I get uncomfortable and back up again. I look back at where Sunny and Moony are to see they're not there!

The person roughly grabs my wrist and yanks me back over to him. I quietly whine from the rough treatment and the guy takes the plushie from me. I gasp and reach for my plushie but he keeps it out of my reach. "I did you a favor in giving you this stupid toy~ Now, you have to do me a favor if you want it back~" The guy says. I whine quietly again and try reaching for the plushie again. This time though, the guy smacks my hand. I softly wince and pull my hand back.

The guy grabs my other hand and pulls me over to him. He puts his other hand on my waist and roughly squeezes. I gasp and try moving back again, but the guy squeezes tighter. I tear up and move my head away from his direction. The guy grabs one of my rays and roughly tugs on it, causing my head to turn back to his. "O-Ow! L-Let go!" I whine.

The guy grips my ray tighter. "Now, tell me~ What makes you think you can walk around this store without dealing with me~?" I whine and start silently crying. The guy then suddenly slaps my face and it makes me cry harder. The guy says, "Keep crying and I'll slap you harder!" I sniffle and try to hold in my tears the best I can.

Then, I hear Sunny and Moony calling my name. I'm saved! I try answering them but the guy slaps me again. "Shut it!" Th guy says. I whine and cry harder. "Sunny!! Moony!!" I manage to yell their names before the guy punches my face, making my nose bleed. Sunny and Moony run to where I am and Moony immediately shoves the guy to the ground.

"Hey! Who are you?!" The guy yells. Moony kicks him and snatches the plushie away from him. "We're their lovers. Now, run your pervert ass back to where you came from!" Moony yells as Sunny softly holds me. "Did he hurt you, Clipsy?" Sunny asks. I slowly nod as he sees the hand marks on my face and the oil leaking from my nose. He seems to get mad and he walks me away from Moony and that guy.

He makes me sit in the buggy and I cuddle the plushie. It seems embarrassing, but at least I'm comfy. "Stay here, Moony and I will be back in a minute," Sunny says as he walks away to Moony and the guy. I get out of the buggy so I won't be embarrassed and I just stand beside it.

After a few minutes later, Sunny and Moony come back. Sunny says, "Don't go to that isle at all, okay?" I nod but I'm also confused why. So, for the rest of the time here, we simply talk and shop. Once we finish, we walk back home. Sunny and Moony refused to let me hold any of the bags! But it is sweet, so it's okay, also because I get to hold my plushie!

When we get back, I help Sunny and Moony put all of the food where it should go. Then, Sunny surprises both me and Moony with a Nintendo Switch that we all played Mario on together. It was very fun. Poor Moony got mad because he was bad at the game. But we reassured him that he just needs practice!

After that, we all just slept on the couch together.


Heeeyyy! Finally got this chapter out. I'll be writing the next chapter very soon! Have a nice day/night~!

Word Count: 678

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