Ch. 51: Merry Christmas

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~{ No One's POV }~

-[ Christmas Eve ]-

Today was Christmas Eve.  Wendy had been saving up money to free Moon, but it wasn't enough yet. However, Wendy made a deal with officer Hannah to let Moon out for a day for Christmas.

So, they all went shopping with the extra money they had for Christmas presents, decorations, and food. Sun took care of getting food, Eclipse got the decorations, and Wendy helped Solice get presents for everyone and the Christmas tree. Of course, Sun and Eclipse bought presents to though.

Meanwhile with Moon, he was trying to make presents for his family as well. Yet that was difficult being in a very limited prison. He managed to make bracelets somehow with a bunch of colorful rubber bands Hannah had dropped during lunch. Sun's bracelet being yellow and blue, Eclipse's being red and blue, Solice's being light blue and blue, and Wendy's being green and blue.

Back at the house, everyone worked on decorating. Wendy helped wrap presents, but not the ones for her. After the house was completely in the festive spirit, it was time for the family to get in the spirit. Sun had bought a gingerbread house. So, he cleared the dining table and set up everything needed. He grabbed two bowls, two spoons, the cardboard floor to the house, the little stands that kept the house up, the icing packets, the sugar color powder packets, the gum drops, the candy canes, and the cookie tree.

He read the instructions as Solice and Eclipse sat at the table, both clearly excited. Sun couldn't help but smile. "Alright, you two, are you ready?" Sun asked. They nodded together. "Yeah!" They cheered. Sun giggles and pours the icing into two separate bowls. He then puts the colored sugar packets in and hands Eclipse the red color, and Solice, the green color. "You two mix those together until there's no more powder left, ok?" Sun instructs. "Mkay!" Solice squeaks as Eclipse just nods. The two grab a spoon and start whipping it in circles to create the colored icing. Solice goes a bit rough with it. Sun giggles and steps behind her. He places his hand over her's and steadies her movements in a rhythmic movement. She smiles and continues mixing, but with more patience and accuracy. Sun smiles and starts sorting the candies into a small bowl each. He then sets up the gingerbread house to make the base. He takes a quick peak at Eclipse to see them picking some icing with their finger and licking it!

"Ay! Not yet, goober!" Sun giggles. Eclipse squeaks and giggles too. Soon, Solice and Eclipse finish mixing. "Now, you two can start decorating the gingerbread house while I go help Wendy with the tree, ok?" Sun explains. "But we want you Mama!" Solice whined. Sun smiled and rubbed her head. "It won't be long Solice, just a few minutes. And besides, you have your dada here with you!" Sun explains with a smile, trying to convince Solice everything will be fine. "But I want Mama!!" She whines. Eclipse then tickles Solice's sides. "C'mon, it'll be okay! We can make the house for Mama as a surprise!" Eclipse makes an attempt to convince Solice as well. She squeals and giggles, her mind changing to the idea of the house being a surprise. Eclipse keeps Solice distracted as Sun walks to the living room.

Wendy was struggling to pull the tree into place, so Sun helps out be placing the tree in the correct spot. Sun screws the tree to the bottom so it'll stay. Wendy smiles and sits on the couch. "I'm gonna start decorating the living room," Sun says as he grabs a few bags. He pulls out some decorations. First, he picks up the TV and sets a table cloth underneath it to be on the table that keeps the TV up. He sets the TV back down. He then put a pretty blanket over the couch. He put some garland around the edge of the ceiling as well. Finally, he put a tree skirt under the tree.

Meanwhile, with Solice and Eclipse, they had finished the house. "Mama, Mama!" Solice squealed. Sun walked into the dining room. "Look, look! We finished making the gingerbread house!" She exclaimed happily. "Oooo, you two did great! I bet you two had a lot of fun, hm?" Sun smiled and praised the two for their work.

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