Ch. 36: The Drive

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~{ Sun's POV }~

"Soooooo~ How does this all seem, Moony? Are you excited?" I squeal, trying my best to hold in my excitement since this is a closed and tight place in this "car." Moon chuckles and nods. "Yeah, this is very exciting!" He exclaims. "How about you, Clipsy?" I look towards Eclipse. They put their hands on the roof of the ceiling and replies, "I'm super DUPER excited!!" Moon and I can't help but to laugh a little at how Eclipse is acting.

They're honestly too cute for their own good. Wendy then says, "I'll give you boys my number so if anything goes wrong, you can call me." We nod and then I see Eclipse moving something in their hands. I look over to see them moving the paws of their puppy plushie; The one that Moon and I won for them at that arcade game. "Aww, you brought your plushie with you too?" I ask. Eclipse quickly nods and replies, "Of course I did! You and Moony gave him to me, so I will take him EVERYWHERE!!"

I chuckle a little and I lean on Moon. He smiles and rubs my back soothingly. Soon, the car starts to slow down as we pull into a driveway. In a matter of just a few minutes, the car stops and we hear the doors unlock. Wendy says, "We're here! It's just a small rental home for the meantime. Go ahead, explore everywhere!" We all immediately scramble out of the car and run to the house. Wendy tosses us the keys for the house. "Have fun, ya goobers," She says.

-[ Time Skip ]-

30 minutes have passed and now, we're all settled in to the house. We've got everything unpacked and in the house. This will be very interesting.


Hello~! I'm sorry for the late updates, but school is coming back in about 2 weeks or so, meaning that I'll have more motivation to write more often! Yayyyy! Anyways, have a great day/night~!

Word Count: 335

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