Ch. 3: Dirty Mind

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Sun's Pov:
Moon looked at me nervously. He asked me what I was thinking about.
I was too caught up in this web of thought. I slowly began to hear less and less of any noise around me. I soon later, saw Moon cumming everywhere on the bed. I then,! I saw my own body! I looked doll sized compared to Moon. His member above me, as he was jerking himself off. I watched as he continued until he cummed onto the mini-me. Then, I suddenly felt something shaking me back to reality. Once I was back, I shook my head and looked up at Moon. He looked very worried but also... happy?

Moon's Pov:
Sun looked up and down my body a few times, still in between my legs, and then he stopped. His pupils getting bigger each second as he stared at my member. He stayed like that, not saying a word. He just stared. I began to get worried. He wasn't moving, talking, or anything! I started calling his name.

Moon: "Sunny! H-Hey! St-Stop that! You're worrying me, Sunny!"

I kept calling him for about 4 minutes when I sat up to shake him. His pupils went back to their normal size, and then he shook his head and he looked up at me. He look confused and he was drooling at me...

Sun's Pov:
My head was circling around that one dream. I didn't notice it until I felt Moon shiver at me drooling. I looked down at his member and closed my mouth to stop me from drooling any longer. Moon asked me something I couldn't quite decipher. I think he said "Sun! Answer me please!" I looked at his face again and pushed myself to hover over Moon. I brought my face closer to his as he kept staring. He really did seem worried so I brought myself to say something to him.

Sun: "So sorry, Moony~ Didn't know you could get so worried~"

Moon's Pov:
Sun pushed himself closer to my face. I could feel myself heat up more than before. He finally said something to me, but he had a more subductive tone. He sounded like me almost, but his voice wasn't like mine that much. More like his just...lower. It actually felt nice to hear his voice like that.
Moon: "Your voice is hot.."
I didn't realize it until Sun's eyes shot up. His eyes widened as if I said something he liked. Which I actually did! I realized that I told him his voice was hot! Oh god! I can't believe I just said that! He must think I'm so cheesy or some shit!

Sun's Pov:
After I said that, Moon told me my voice was hot! I felt my face flood with an orange and red blush. I could see Moon's face filled with a blush too. Only, his was blue though. He started rambling on and on about how sorry he was.

Moon: "S-Sorry! I- uh- I didn't mean- You just- aagh!!"

He kept on stuttering and rambling as I still stared at him. I felt an insane urge to kiss him. So, in doing so, I grabbed his shirt and tugged at it. I pulled his face close to mine and put my lips against Moon's. He was quiet until I bit his lip. He let out a small whine, because he knew that when I did that, I wanted him to let me put my tongue in his mouth. So he did. I felt him kicking his legs due to me continuesly digging into his mouth with mine.

No one's Pov:
They started making out right then and there. Sun pulled out of the kiss after a while. A thread of saliva connected their tongue's. Moon and Sun were both happy with each other.

Moon: "S-Sunny..I'm too tired... Can we finish tomorrow..please?"

Sun nodded his head as he went to their closet to find a different pair of pants for Moon and him. He found a pretty pair of pants with stars and a sunset that started at the ankle part of the pants and up. 

Sun: "Here ya go, Moony. Do you want me to help you put em on?"

Moon nodded his head as he stumbled to stand up. Sun pulled Moon to him and helped him walk to their bathroom. The both are waterproof, so when they need a clean and management won't let them get cleaned there, they decide to take a shower. Sun instructed Moon to sit on the counter for a second to begin to put his pants on. After his bottom part of his legs were in the pants, he hopped off the counter for Sun to pull his pants up all the way. Moon walked out and layed in their shared bed. Sun put on some pretty orange colored shorts. Sun walked behind Moon and crawled onto their bed.

Moon: "Sunny...the bed has..that on it..."

Sun: "Heh, I'll clean it up, don't worry, doll."

Sun picks Moon up and puts him on the bean bags in a corner of their room.

Sun: "Stay here until I'm don't changing the cover."

Sun took the blanket off and put in their dirty clothes basket. Sun takes oit a pretty sunset with starts blanket and puts it neatly on their bed. Moon's eyes start to get heavy and he slowly goes to sleep in the bean bag pile. Sun gently picks him up and lays him on the bed with him. Sun pulls the blanket over both of them and kisses Moon's forehead.

Sun: "I love you Moony"

(949 words! Fun! I'll be working on the next chapter this afternoon!"

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