Ch. 48: Troubles

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~{ Sun's POV }~

I watch the police cars drive by. I get a strange anxious feeling. So I walk to Eclipse and softly shake them awake. "Eclipse... Wake up..." I whisper. Eclipse opens their eyes and looks up at me. "Mmgh...Wha..? Why...?" They ask. "I-..I just wanna go and pick up Moony and Solice, okay? I don't want you to stay here by yourself.." I reply. They softy nod and sit up. Then, they get up, their legs softly trembling.

I grab my phone and call Wendy. After a few seconds, she answers. "Hello?" Wendy says through the call. "Hey, can you come over please? I wanna pick up Moon from the park," Wendy replies with a 'sure', and hangs up. I sigh and put my phone in my pocket. "Sunny?.. What's wrong?.." Eclipse asks. I turn to them. "Nothing love, I'm just worried for them..." They tilt their head. "Why?.. What happened?.." I sigh yet again. "I just saw some police cars, so I'm worried..." Eclipse nods and softly holds my hand. "I hope they're okay..." They whisper. I nod and hold them close.

After a few minutes, Wendy arrives. I slip on my shoes and step outside with Eclipse and get in the back seat of Wendy's car. I close the door and Wendy drives to the park. Eclipse squeezes my hands, softly scratching at their thigh. I gently put my hands over theirs to stop the scratching.

I look out the window as we approach the park. It's surrounded in police cars and caution tape...I can feel Eclipse's fingers trying to scratch again but I keep them still. As soon as Wendy parks the car, her and I step out. "Clipsy, if anything bad is happening, I want you to stay in here, ok? I don't want you getting hurt..." I say. Eclipse whines but nods. I kiss their forehead before closing the car door and walk along with Wendy to the park. No sight of Solice or Moon, but only blood...

Wendy tries to hold me back, but I run to one of the police cars. I quickly tap an officer's shoulder. "H-Hey, what happened?!" I yell. "What? Oh, you mean all this? Yeah, some crazy freak stabbed a man for no reason," The officer replies. "I-... What did the f-freak...look like...?" I felt terrible for calling anyone a freak, especially if it had the chance of it being my Moon... "Oh, uuhh..." He looks through his notes. "Ah, yes. A weird lookin' dark blue and white robot or something," The officer explains. "Then...C-Can I see him..? A-And the kid he was with..?" I ask. The officer hesitates but nods. "Just don't get too close. That man's a fr-" I cut him off. "Don't call him that."

The officer shrugs his shoulders and points to two other police cars. I walk over to them and see Solice in the first. I quickly open the door and pick her up. She was crying. I softly held her and rubbed her back. I walked back over to Wendy and handed her over. I walk back over to the second police car and peak in. Moon was sitting in the back seat, little tears down his face with blood on his hands. They had put a muzzle and handcuffs on him...I softly tapped the window and he flinched and looked up at me. I could see his mouth open for a gasp as he quickly scrambled to the door. I softly opened it and caught him. He softly sobbed in my arms. "Moony...Shhh...It's okay, I'm here..."

I gently pull at the straps that kept the muzzle on and carefully pulled it off. He held onto me tight with no sign of stopping. He was whispering and hiccuping soft 'sorry's. I rub his back and sit in the car with him. "Moony...What happened...?" I whisper. He takes a few quick deep breaths. "H-He...he d-did something...I-I don't know h-how..I-I couldn't control a-anything.." His voice was squeaky in cries. I get a tighter grip on him, as if protecting him. That bi- jerk in Moon's head framed him. "He made you hurt someone?"
Moon nods. I sigh and softly pet his head. "I'll figure something out..." I whisper as Moon nods.

After a few minutes, an officer walks to us. They were a lady officer. "Excuse me sir, we're gonna need you to get away from him," She says. I sigh. "Ma'am, he's okay with me. May I ask, what are you guys gonna do to him?" I ask. She hesitates but replies, "We're going to need to take him in to see exactly what happened, and to take him for the proper amount of jail time." I feel that same anxious feeling. I could not last without my Moon. "Ma'am, please, is there something else you could do? Because I promise, there is a reason why he did that," I say. She stays quiet for a few moments before sighing. "I can see what I can do. But in the meantime, what do you suppose happened?" She asks. I smile at the chance of Moon staying proven innocent. "Well, I know this is gonna sound insane, but because he's an animatronic, a chip of...another animatronic is in his code...So that other animatronic had controlled his body to do what had happened out there," I explain.

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