Ch. 39: Wrong Gummies

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Before this chapter starts, I want everyone to know that this was a request from: FlareRiver

Also, I guess you can request now?? If you want of course!

AND! This is something important!!

Eclipse's text will look like this from now on: "Example."
Ignore what it says on the first chapter, I'll write if they're thinking or not.



~{ No One's POV }~

Yesterday, (last chapter) Eclipse got a pack of gummies from the back of the store they were in. Now, Eclipse is the first to wake up. They do a few things such as eat breakfast, sweep the floors, and watch a little TV. But, they suddenly remember the mysterious gummies found in that store.

So, they get up and walks to the cabinet. They grab the pack and they look at a warning sign on the front of the bag. It says, "Only eat one or two gummies per day. More than two can cause major affects. Such as-"

Eclipse ignores the rest of the warning and simply eats only one gummy. It's in the shape of a heart and it tastes sweet.

Then, Sun and Moon both wake up. Moon is the first to get up to see Eclipse putting away the bag of gummies. Nor Sun or Moon looked at the bag, so they are unaware of what Eclipse just ate...

"Eatin' breakfast, huh?" Moon says while yawning. Eclipse jumps from his voice but they calm down and nod. "Mhm, also I sweeped the floors for you and Sunny!" They exclaim. Moon smiles and replies, "Thank you, Clipsy. That was sweet of you."

Eclipse smiles and turns around to walks to the fridge, but...They start feeling a strange, unknown heat radiating off of them. In a matter of seconds, they start to sweat(?) and pant heavily. Moon grows concerned and he looks over at Eclipse who's pupils dilate and turns into red, glowing hearts.

Moon watches as everything in front of Eclipse illuminates red. Moon ponders for a minute, questioning what is happening to Eclipse.

In a quick flash, Eclipse has Moon pinned to the wall, breath hot and blushing like crazy. Moon's face flushes red as he looks up at Eclipse. He can't help but look down and see a large, throbbing tent formed in Eclipse's pants. Oh no... Sun looks over at the two and he immediately gets up and hides behind the arm of the couch.

Eclipse seems to hear his swift movements, so they jump onto the couch and picks Sun up. Sun yelps and he asks in a yell, "C-Clipsy, what's going on?!" Eclipse only chuckles and walks to Moon, picking him up as well. Then, Eclipse pins both of them to the couch, side by side. They can already see Eclipse's wriggling tentacles pushing against the fabric.

Sun is already blushing a lot as Moon is flabbergasted that Eclipse is acting like this. Surely there has to be another reason other than Eclipse just being horny all of a sudden! Moon tries to think of what could cause Eclipse to act this way. But, during his thinking, Eclipse slid their pants off as their large dicks wriggle their way out of his pants, desperate for the touch of the two boys beneath them.

Sun and Moon's eyes lock on the sight of their dicks. Eclipse smirks and they grab both Sun and Moon's hands. They bring their hands to their dicks and watch as Eclipse's dicks coil around their hands. Sun blushes madly as Moon giggles. The squishy, slick dicks in their hands wait to be held.

So, Sun clasps his hand around one of Eclipse's dicks as they lightly whine, desperate for more. Moon decides to play along and he squeezes Eclipse's dick instead. Eclipse lets out a loud moan, surprised of the sudden grip. Moon chuckles and watches as Eclipse's tip twirls around his index finger.

To any human, they would've mistaken Eclipse's dicks for two friendly snakes. But, for Sun and Moon, they're large, throbbing members, awaiting to fill them up. So, without any further hesitation, Eclipse thrusts his hips forward, hoping to get a pleasurable feeling. Which was what they got in return.

Eclipse gets incredibly impatient, so they rip Sun and Moon's pants off as they scoot back. Their grip is removes from Eclipse's dicks now, and Eclipse lines themselves up to Sun and Moon's wet entrances. And with one quick thrust, Sun and Moon scream in pleasure as Eclipse slams their full length into them, one dick in each.

They decide to let the two celestials adjust to Eclipse's massive size. In a minute or so, Eclipse starts to thrust in and out at a rapid speed. Sun and Moon are already loud, moaning messes. The sound of plapping and wet, lewd squelches fills the room.

"A-Ah~! Aah~ Oh~! C-ClipSy~!"
"F-F- Frick~! Ngh~ Ah~"

Sun and Moon moan as Eclipse soaks in every single sound. For extra measures, Eclipse jerks them both off as the other two hands lift up their legs from behind their knees. Oh, what a beautiful sight for the dark yet sweet bot above the two moaning celestials.

With each thrust, comes a moan, groan, or whine from any of the three. Eclipse starts to get a little louder with their whines and groans as they thrust faster. Sun moans louder, but Moon bites his lip to try to hold it in. Eclipse notices this and they kiss Moon passionately. Sun asks, "H- ah~ H-Hey, wha- ah~! What a-about m- augh~ m-me~?"

Eclipse breaks the kiss and kisses Sun instead, giving them the same amount of kisses each. Eclipse breaks the kiss with Sun as he pants. Soon, Eclipse starts thrusting much harder and faster. Sun moans louder as Moon moans much louder than both of them. It's clear that Moon's never had such a rough fuck-session. Nor has Sun. And Eclipse knows that just by the looks of their faces.

Eclipse thrusts faster, chasing their climax. After a few seconds, hot, white, liquid shoots deep into both of them as the two scream in pleasure. Eclipse only moans loudly. But it's drowned out from the immense panting, moaning, and screaming from Sun and Moon.

Eclipse pants heavily too and they pull out of both of them. They calapse ontop of Sun and Moon, passing out immediately. Their poor mind has no idea what they just did. But, Sun and Moon are just too exhausted too. So, they all end up going to sleep, despite the large mess they're in.


Heeyyyy! It's a smut chapter, yes. Also, please don't be upset about Eclipse topping them because there is a perfectly good explanation!!! The gummy they ate made them do that, they wouldn't dare to think to even try to top Sun or Moon!

Welp, enjoy! Have a great day/night!

Word Count: 1156

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