Ch. 50: Conversation

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~{ Jacob's POV }~

That freak of a bot begged to Hannah, one of the only female officers here. Of course, she wouldn't believe him. And she didn't. She walked off and I left the security room. I walked to my office and sorted out a few files. That bot reminds me of someone. I search through some of the oldest files and pluck out one. That black and midnight white color was never unforgettable. I open the folder and read the information. Built at the same location, built around the same time, but much more different. Not sweet, but not a jerk. A manipulator. A killer. Even the name informed their intentions. "I hope this one doesn't do the same as the last," I mumble to myself.

A tap on my shoulder is what makes me turn my head. Hannah is standing there. "Jacob..? Th-That bot over there...In Cell #48...He claims you...hurt him...?" She seemed anxious. If there's one thing I know, it's to never let yourself seem like the bad guy. "He must be insane. I never layed a finger on him. I guarantee, I would never hurt a prisoner," I state in a proud voice. She believes me with a smile. "Okay then... Should I send in someone to help him if there's anything wrong with his health..?" She asks. I shake my head.

"Not at all. He's a robot. Whatever is wrong with him cam be fixed through programming. Which is why, in a few days, I'm going to send him to a professional company who can fix him," I reply. She frowns. "Jacob, with all due respect, he's still like a person...He has a family, his friends...I don't think it'd be good for us to take him anywhere...His family could get mad, or they could do something drastic about it...That could endanger our job and the trust the city has with us..." She explains. Maybe she has a fair point. "Fine, we'll keep him here. But his 'family' has only two weeks to figure out how to free him. If not, he will be assigned to be decommissioned."

Hannah nods and walks away. I sigh, as the thought of this robot is enough to make my blood boil. I am not going to let what happened last time happen again. In fact, no robot should be sentient. And I'm going to make that true.

-[ Time Skip ]-

~{ Moon's POV }~

I managed to steel a roll of toilet paper from lunch and was able to bandage up my wounds. It was painful to walk, which would not be good, especially if I'm gonna see Sun, Eclipse, or Solice anytime soon. Anyways, Jacob seemed to lay low for a bit now and barely even get near me. As for me, I decided to keep to myself. I don't imagine staying here for long since it shouldn't take long to show the files of Monty and footage of him torturing us to show he was the one who killed that man. But I suppose...I kinda helped...? I mean...That guy just kept getting close. It was uncomfortable. And I even had a child with me! So...I suppose I can sorta thank Monty for at least not letting that guy near her, if that's even what he meant to do.

I simply layed on my back on the bed with my eyes closed. There was going to be a break in about 20 minutes where half of the prisoners go outside, then the next 20 minutes the other half goes out. I honestly wouldn't go outside, but they don't give a choice. 

The 20 minutes passed and everyone on my side of the prison went outside. I just sat to the side while the others talked and complained. I was starting to worry of what Sun and Eclipse would think if they came here right now. Would they believe me if I said this officer hurt me? Or would they think I'm crazy like them?

I look around the park area and see a large...burn stain on the concrete? It looks old. I get up and walk to the large spot in the ground that looks burned. I trace my hand on it. Nothing happens, not even ash stains on my fingers. This must be old. I sigh and walk back over to the bench and I sit down.

After about 30 minutes, the doors to the prison open again, meaning we have to go back inside. I walk in with everyone else. We're all escorted back to our separate cells. Once I get in my mine, I just lie on the bed and close my eyes. There's not much else to do anyways...


Another chapter :]

Word Count: 796

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