Ch. 5: Gator Golf

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Sun's Pov:
Moon occasionally started coughing today. When he started to get dressed, he was stumbling and limping as he walked. He didn't want to jump down from our room into the ball pit either. He normally enjoyed doing that. As we were walking to Gator Golf, Moon almost fell over 7 times! I insisted on carrying him, but stubborn ol' Moony refused. Either way, I still carried him on my back the way there. When we reached Gator Golf, Moon begged me for the millionth time to put him down. Again, I said no because he's already doing a lot, so why not loosen up and help him? I started walking further into Gator Golf when someone tapped my shoulder. I thought it was Moon but I turned around and it was Monty. He looked... unusual. He looked at Moon so weirdly. I didn't like it one bit so I changed the subject.

Sun: "Hi Monty. What did you want to talk to us about?"

Monty: "Actually...I didn't want to talk to you. I wanted to talk to Moon."

I was curious of why he wanted Moon to talk with him. But I guess it wouldn't do any harm to let him talk to Moon. So, I gently put Moon down as he stumbled onto my chest.

Sun: "Careful, hun"

Moon: "Alright"

As I said that, Monty looked at me with this crazy look! It looked like he wanted something from on of us. I didn't feel safe with Moon around Monty alone, so I gave them a limit.

Sun: "Be back in 5 minutes, ok?"

I tried to seem like my normal self but I could definitely hear the different tone in my voice. It was like that really protective parent or grandparent tone. I could tell that Monty knew I felt wrong.

Monty: "Alright. 5 minutes~"

Monty said that so weirdly! I hated it but I've known him for a while so I cut him some slack.

Moon's Pov:
Monty grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bar that he had in his golf place. He grabbed pretty rough but it might just be me. He then gripped at my shoulders and looked at me with a perverted look.

Monty: "Moon...I've seen what you do to Sun. I want that for myself. I want you to be mine~"

As he told this to me, I began to feel more uncomfortable each second. I knew Monty was bad but not this bad! I tried to push him off of me, but he was way too strong. I was gladly able to scream before he covered my mouth with his tail.

Sun's Pov:
I stood there waiting for Moon and Monty to come back. I felt like something was wrong when I heard Moon scream. He sounded uncomfortable so I ran to where Monty took them to find Monty shoving Moon to a wall holding his waist. I was furious! I knew Monty was such a pervert! I punched him in the face enough to make him let go of Moon. I quickly grabbed Moon's arm and ran with him. He started to cry as we were running back to the daycare. When we entered, I slammed the doors shut as Moon ran into a play structure. I made sure that Monty couldn't open the doors if he chased after us. After that, I looked around to find Moon. A few minutes later, I found Moon curled in a ball, crying. I slowly crawled into the play structure with him and pulled him in my lap. He gripped at my shirt, hugging tight. He was crying so much. I felt so bad for him too.

Sun: "Moony..? Hey, it's alright. I'm here. You're here. And your safe. I'll never let this happen again, I promise"

Moon just kept crying on my chest. I could tell that he never wanted anything to do with Monty again.

Moon's Pov:
Today sucks so bad! I can't believe Monty did that! I can feel myself shaking and I can feel Sun's shirt getting more wet by the second. I hate that he has to be the tough one and keep me safe. I was the one meant to keep both of us safe, not him! I wanted to tell him to let me go, but I needed him. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't be the person (or animatronic) I am now.

Moon: "I-I'm so sorry! S-Sunny, I-"

Sun cut me off from talking, although I'm not sure why.

Sun: "Shh... It's alright, dear. None of this is your fault. No need to be sorry"

Sun gently kissed my forehead and started rubbing my back. His affection helped me to calm down. I started to cry less and less until I only had a few tears left in my eyes. I heard Sunny sigh, and I think it was because he was happy I wasn't crying anymore.

Moon: "Th-Thanks, Sunny.."

Sun: "No problem, Moony. Now, c'mon. Let's get you to bed"

No one's Pov:
Sun carefully stepped out of the play structure with Moon in his arms, bridal style. He walked to their bed and gently played Moon down. He crawled in bed with him and Moon snuggled against Sun. They both fell asleep together. There was only one thought left that came into Moon's head. It was Monty.

(902 words! Not too bad if I say so myself. Anyways thank you guys who read this! I'm very grateful for all of you who read this! Have a good day/night! Thank you)

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